Friday 8 May 2015

Such A (Qualified) Relief...

Still early here at time of drafting (5:30 am), but the 'Guardian' seems to be calling it:

The biggest shock so far? Labour losing Gower! I guess even sheep can finally wake up to what the shepherd is really up to....

Prediction? Miliband gone by lunchtime. That's mine. How about you?


  1. My bet is gone by 10 o'clock - and Clegg by tea time

  2. Bunny

    Balls loses his seat, hooray! I would have loved Farage to win his seat but it was not to be. The election system has been shown as flawed with the amount of votes UKIP got not translating into seats.

    Labour reduced in size and a Tory majority is something I can live with.

    Next job is to get into the Harrogate Agenda.

    Balls going is a great start to the day though!

  3. One of the few honourable people in politics - Nigel Farage. Well done mate. Made me sick to see that kinnock creature sliding in and the windbag parasite all smiles. CUNTS!

  4. Brightside Bob8 May 2015 at 16:02

    Re: Dioclese. Yep, lost my shirt on Great Grimsby. They voted Tory (in Grimsby ffs) & got Liebour.

  5. Oh yes, Balls losing his seat has to be the "Portillo moment" of this election...

  6. Farage comes across as human in his unedited resignation speech:

  7. Your prediction about Milliband was bang on the money.

  8. "My bet is gone by 10 o'clock - and Clegg by tea time"

    Turned out the other way around!

    "Balls loses his seat, hooray!"

    That competed with Galloway's trouncing for my 'Best Moment Of The Election'..!

    "Farage comes across as human in his unedited resignation speech..."

    He did! Refreshingly free of 'polishing'.
