Saturday 2 May 2015

The Invisible Pogroms…

More than 50,000 families have been silently shipped out of London boroughs in the past three years, an investigation by The Independent can reveal.
If you’re imagining the final scene of ‘Fiddler On The Roof’ right about now, albeit less tuneful, then I think the ‘Indy’ has done its job…
The figures show an unprecedented number of families who cannot afford to find homes in their local area being uprooted from their neighbourhoods and dumped further and further away from the capital, cut off from their relatives and support networks.
The spike coincides with the Coalition’s introduction of the benefit cap and “bedroom tax”, both of which have made it significantly harder for poor people to afford housing in London.
In the same way that those bastards at Bentley have made it ‘significantly harder’ for me to afford a really nice car…
Many of those hit by the cuts have accrued rent arrears and then been evicted, leaving them homeless.
Oh, boy, you have to dig for some mention that they might actually have a bit of personal responsibility themselves, don’t you?

You’d almost think the Evil Tory Government™ was swooping on unsuspecting families like the Angel of Death upon Pharaoh’s citizenry, and taking everyone, not just the first born…
Tom Copley, Labour member of the London Assembly and deputy chair of the housing committee, warned that London was being “hollowed out” .
He said: “I’m appalled by these figures. This is social cleansing on an unprecedented scale. Boris Johnson pledged that we wouldn’t see thousands of families uprooted on his watch. Mixed communities are part of what makes London special. We don’t want to end up like Paris with all the rich people living in the centre and all the poorer people living around the edge.”
Ah. The Royal ‘We’.

Well, frankly, I haven’t been asked, but if I was, I’d give a Gallic shrug and say ‘Why not?’…

I mean, apart from providing employment for inner London public sector workers, just what is this mystical benefit that low-income families provide London?
Campbell Robb, chief executive of Shelter, said: “It’s shocking to see in black and white the sheer volume of homeless families being uprooted and sent miles away from their local area. Imagine losing your home and then being forced to pack your bags and wave goodbye to schools, jobs, and everyone you know – this is the reality for thousands of families in London.
“It’s the housing shortage that has created this crisis, and the only way to escape it for good is for the next government to build the affordable homes we so desperately need.”
You’d almost have to wonder what this cretin thinks happens when a non-benefit claimant loses/changes their job and can no longer afford the area they currently live in, wouldn’t you? Do they too not have to ‘wave goodbye to schools, jobs, and everyone you know’..?

Or do they just not count, being self-financing, and so not providing employment for the likes of Robb..?
Javed Khan, chief executive of Barnardo’s, said: “The scale of this is alarming. We are calling on the next government to ensure that the benefits system is adequate to protect vulnerable families, not punish them.”
It’s not ‘punishment’ if I can’t afford a Bentley on a Land Rover salary, Javid. It’s called ‘economising’.

And it’s about time the government did what everyone else has to do, and stop handing out ‘free’ money to the benefit junkies.

Frankly, London’s better off without them.


  1. Twenty Rothmans2 May 2015 at 12:59

    There should be no benefits housing in zones 1-4 to start with.

    There are three major hospitals in SW3/10. Where are all those nurses meant to live? And they fare much better than the nurses' aides, the maintenance guys, the cooks, all the infrastructure that's needed. That's just one example.

    People who don't/won't/can't work do not belong in the capital. This is the powerhouse of Britain. Robb reminds me of the brainless twats who feed pigeons in the park. They want to feel good by feeding something and don't see the shit, and many other pigeons, they produce.

    Ideally, we should have a satellite country, where the welfare dependent, indolent - sorry - vulnerable types could be housed. Oh, hang on...

  2. Cry me a river, Indy.
    Last time I was in the s**thole formerly known as London, it was anything but hollowed out, it appeared to be stuffed to the gunnels with people from everywhere except the country it's in.

  3. Until a decade or so back, people were being shifted out of London more or less against their wills by those self-same Lefties, using 'slum clearance' as an excuse.

    Indeed, there was a good TV programme about that very subject last week, highlighting what planners (socialists to a man) had done to one area of South London.

  4. A few months ago I remember some left winger (perhaps Diane Abbot?) complaining that this was a racist expulsion- which, I suppose, tells us something about the ethnicity of the welfariat in these parts.

  5. The English were 'ethnically cleansed' from London years ago, apart from one family still holding out in Buckingham Palace.

  6. Thanks for a really good news story.
    I hope it will be 500 K in the next 5 years.
    I agree 100% with Twenty Rothmans

  7. "Greencoat said...
    The English were 'ethnically cleansed' from London years ago, apart from one family still holding out in Buckingham Palace"

    I thought they were Germans.

  8. I live about as far away from London (and still be in England) as it's possible to get and, probably due to the much lower house prices, we have hundreds of Londoners on benefits transplanted here yearly. The thing is, the demographics of said transplantees are so noticeable as to elicit continuous comment from the locals. To whit, young, single-parent, British white girls. Not an 'ethnic' to be seen unless you count the significant (and noticeable) number of 'mixed-ethnicity' children they seem to have.

    So what does this say? It says that only white British will need to be moved out since the other ethnicities (and nationalities) get priority to what housing remains in London. It says that no men, whether from 400 hundred miles away or even locally, will get housed since women will always get prioritised and be shipped in to take precedence if there aren't any locally (and yes we have a sizeable homeless contingent of young white British males who sleep rough as a consequence). It also raises the issue of how come all those ethnic 'fathers' seem to get away with having multiple children yet never get a visit from the CSA (CSM or whatever they're calling it this week and incidentally expanding the number of SJW and lesbians they employ).

    It may sound like hyperbole but ethnic cleansing is exactly what it was and is. London, other than a few rich enclaves, is now, and has been for years, foreign (and enemy at that) territory.

  9. XX I thought they were Germans.XX

    Ahh, THAT pile of shite contention again.

    The last Royal to be born outside of the U.K was George II in 1683.

    So you can file that: "They are German" in the same draw as you keep your tin foil hat in.

  10. "There should be no benefits housing in zones 1-4 to start with."


    "Last time I was in the s**thole formerly known as London, it was anything but hollowed out, it appeared to be stuffed to the gunnels with people from everywhere except the country it's in."

    A ride on the Tube at rush hour will give any visitor a good idea of just how overcrowded London is..

    "...highlighting what planners (socialists to a man) had done to one area of South London."

    Indeed so. Any east/south coast seaside town knows this. Westcliff in Southend is a tip, now. It used to be a desirable area!

    "Thanks for a really good news story.

    I hope it will be 500 K in the next 5 years."

    :D Thursday's election result gives us hope...

  11. "The thing is, the demographics of said transplantees are so noticeable as to elicit continuous comment from the locals. To whit, young, single-parent, British white girls. "

    There's a fair amount of that in Southend, and it's noticable now how the London drug dealers come down to service their client base (Somali, to a man)...
