Friday 15 May 2015

"Who Let The Dogs In (Who, Who, Who, Who?)..."

Refreshingly candid statement regarding the smuggled-in pet dogs of sleb Johnny Depp:
The agriculture minister said no one should be able to bypass biosecurity rules, even if they had been voted the world’s sexiest man twice.
“It’s time that Pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States,” Joyce said. “He [Depp] can put them on the same chartered jet he flew out on to fly them back out of our nation.”

Of course, the opposition immediately attacked not the arrogant sleb, but the public sector workers who fumbled the ball:
The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, admitted there had been an error somewhere in the customs process in letting the dogs in.
“They should be screened like everyone else,” Dutton told 2GB radio on Thursday morning. “We’re having a look at this at the moment.”
I hope there are similarly robust consequences for the hapless Customs staff, if Depp has been the recipient of preferential treatment.

Naturally, Australia has it's fair share of dumb creatures, and some of them have Internet:
An online petition calling on the minister to save the dogs was signed by more than 600 people in its first hour.
The author of the petition, 27-year old Sydney woman Namita Sopal, told Guardian Australia she hoped it would start an online movement to put pressure on the government to withdraw its “cruel” threat.
I love dogs and I thought it was crazy, so that was my motivation,” she said.
If you really loved dogs, you'd know exactly who to blame, wouldn't you, Namita?
Joyce acknowledged that his tough stance on the issue would come with consequences.
“After that, I don’t expect to be invited to the opening of Pirates of the Caribbean,” he said.

Update: Mike at 'Orphans' gets into the scriptwriting business...


  1. Unfortunately folk like Depp live in a strange celeb bubble where every wish and whim is granted by an entourage of magic fairies. Once the fairies dissipate reality will eventually kick in. I only hope that 'Bubbles and Cuddles' are not shot, but re-homed with normal folk who love them and take care of them.

  2. "I hope there are similarly robust consequences for the hapless Customs staff, if Depp has been the recipient of preferential treatment."

    It's probably more about how private jets are dealt with (which is the same everywhere). There's not a customs post, but they do make random checks at airfields.

  3. Namita is a recent arrival from the UK. Love it when foreigners come in and try to correct your silly "laws".

  4. The way things are -Australia needs the film business - well ant business.
    And forget this this 'I'm as good as you are ' stuff - Depp brings money ,lots, and that cash don't care for equality of any kind.

  5. Twenty Rothmans16 May 2015 at 12:00

    @Anonymous "Namita is a recent arrival from the UK. "

    Oh, she's one of the Somerset Sopals, is she? :-)

  6. Surely it would have been better if they had let the dogs live and put down Mr Depp?

  7. "I only hope that 'Bubbles and Cuddles' are not shot, but re-homed with normal folk who love them and take care of them."

    Sadly they are back in the :and of Fruits & Nuts.

    "There's not a customs post, but they do make random checks at airfields."

    I'd have thought, if the restrictions are this watertight, an inspection every time would be a must?

    "Surely it would have been better if they had let the dogs live and put down Mr Depp?"

    For Australia, or the film industry? ;)
