Friday 5 June 2015

Jessica Valenti Doesn’t Half Talk Some Utter Bollocks…

Here she is ignoring inconvenient facts again:
How do you explain that the leading cause of death of women aged 15 to 19, worldwide, is suicide? An internationally recognized expert on global mental health and suicide said in an interview with the Telegraph: “The most probable reason is gender discrimination.”
In other words, misogyny kills.
Really, Jessica? The ONS begs to differ:
The highest UK suicide rate in 2013 by broad age group was among men aged 45 to 59, at 25.1 deaths per 100,000, the highest for that age group since 1981.
So, where does this come from?
It was Dr Suzanne Petroni, the senior director for gender, population and development at the International Center for Research on Women, who first realized the chilling statistic as she was going through a WHO special report on adolescents.
A doctor, eh? That explains why she’s a tiny bit less quick to jump to conclusions than our Jessica:
“We need more research and evidence to tell us if it is actually happening for the reason we hypothesize it is – which is that gender norms and inequality have a significant link for suicide vulnerability”, Petroni said.
Or maybe she just wants the gig? It’ll be sweet moolah, and no getting your hands dirty with all that unpleasant ‘treating people’ stuff…
Frett told me that, to move forward, “we must put girls at the center of development and public policies, recognizing them as subjects of rights.”
Petroni also offered some tangible solutions: “We need more data, we need to make sure that national health surveys monitor suicide attempts and that hospital systems improve their data”, she says.
Perhaps what we need most of all is the hardest thing to come by: equality.
Yup, ignore the high death rate for men, it’s all about the wimminz! It always is, for Jessica and her coven.


  1. "we must put girls at the center of development and public policies"

    Because turning the entire education system upside down to favour them (with complete success) and revamping all of employment law to make life easier for them, somehow wasn't enough?

    Is there any concession that would satisfy them?

    Or are they, as I suspect, rather like the IRA or the SNP: every concession is simply pocketed without a word, and the next one is then immediately demanded.

  2. How do you explain that the leading cause of death of women aged 15 to 19, worldwide, is suicide?

    I explain it thusly:

    15-19 year olds of either sex tend not to die very often, and if they do, it's usually as a result of trauma rather than illness. so the leading causes of death in that age group will be accidents and murder, either by another or by themselves; which one of those three comes out top is likely to, given the small numbers involved, in any given period, be due to statistical noise.

  3. Bunny

    Just by looking at the WHO data, which states that the leading cause of death amongst women aged 15 to 44 is HIV/Aids, apparently women according to the study are more prone to depression and suicide. Looking at the WHO report I would say this woman is talking complete bollocks, why am I not surprised.

  4. Somewhere in the blogosphere, not far from here, I read that in this country suicide rates are forty percent higher amongst males than females. The thrust (sorry, no trigger warning, no more thrusts) of the article was that if it were the other way around we would never hear the end of it. Here we go, cherry pick the data, ignore that which does not fit the desired narrative and, hey presto, we have more feminazi bleeding hearts demanding something or other. What the cluck do these hens want? Normal women and normal men are tip toeing around all of these harridans clucking and crowing their incoherent demands. It's no plucking wonder that men arrive at the point where they actually want to die. Men, proper men, and women, proper women, have ever known that women are the stronger gender. That's why we are now losing our way, the natural order is being replaced by gummint. No more will we have a quiet matriarchy, we are to be afflicted with the shouty pouty ugly dykes who only wanted to be liked.

    Thank you, Julia, for allowing this rare rant.

  5. @Anonymous. "...15-19 year olds of either sex tend not to die very often..."

    In fact, people of any age and of either gender tend not to die very often.

    Once only being the norm.

  6. Sigh, best I don't say what I was thinking.

  7. "Is there any concession that would satisfy them? "

    No. Or was that rhetorical..? ;)

    "...which one of those three comes out top is likely to, given the small numbers involved, in any given period, be due to statistical noise."

    You don't think Jessica knows anything about that, do you? Math iz hard!

    "Normal women and normal men are tip toeing around all of these harridans..."

    Not here, they aren't... ;)
