Friday 12 June 2015

Oh, Don't Make Me Laugh...!

A single mum could face prison...
 Ahahahaha! Stop, you're killing me!
...after her dog ‘dangerously’ attacked a neighbour.
 Amazing how those 'savage Tory benefit cuts' are biting, eh?
Major will be sentenced on July 17. Recorder Ian Harris said: “All sentencing options are open to the court, the fact that you do not have any previous convictions is in your favour.”
Major also pleaded guilty to a Bail Act offence as she failed to appear at court for the original trial date on June 8.
The mum was later arrested at her home address where she was found ‘sunbathing’.
 *grinds teeth*
...residents blasted her for locking herself in her home during the chaos, and refusing to come out as onlookers screamed at her, 'Sort your dog out!'
 Well of course! Mind you, there's quite an IQ deficiency in this area:
Another neighbour Wade Rushton, 18, said: “The dog is usually dead friendly but it was just proper going, and would not stop.
I came out with a knife because I was going to stab it, but people were saying, ‘no’, so I threw a brick instead.”
 *stunned disbelief*
At Burnley Crown Court, Major's lawyer, Tim Brennand, said: “The defendant is a good character, she is a single mother of her eight year-old daughter and this has taken an emotional toll on her.''
Oh, poor dear! She's the real victim! And nice attempt to pin the blame on the lady savaged by this thing:
He claimed Mrs Degg had a stick with her, but the judge Mr Recorder Ian Harris said: ''If Mrs Degg had a stick, whatever the reason, it’s perfectly fine. The dog was dangerously out of control.”
The police should have shot the useless mutt. And the dog.

1 comment:

  1. Lynne at Counting Cats15 June 2015 at 11:31

    I blame global warming. The water has evaporated and left the pond life stranded.
