Wednesday 17 June 2015

Who’s Reassured? Anyone? Bueller?

Community leaders (Ed: Wha..? In Southend!?) have called for calm after the latest shocking attack in Southend.
The murder in Park Lane, Westcliff, on Tuesday, is the third serious incident to happen in the area in the last 18 months.
And jostles for police attention amongst the 700 other crimes recorded for this area!

But don’t panic, a councillor who lives in Leigh will tell you it’s perfectly safe!
Julian Ware-Lane, Labour councillor for the Milton Ward, said the incidents were not related and hopes Southend is not turning into a haven for violent crime.
“I walk along Park Lane quite regularly and it is a large alleyway and we had a streetlight put in there a couple of years ago, but I do not feel unsafe.”
Do you walk there at night? I bet you don’t!
Chief Insp Simon Anslow, Southend district commander, said: “It is not a street we would identify as being a particular problem street.
“I think the three incidents are completely unrelated to each other in type and are only joined together by locality.
“I would be very hesitant to start drawing inferences about the location and any wider risk to residents.
“It is too early to tell with this case, but we are talking about incidents related only to the individuals involved, not people walking down the street and being attacked.”
Immensely reassuring, I’m sure you’ll agree.


  1. "These are common enough in our custody suite so why so much fuss over three rapes and a murder in the park, is beyond me" said Chief Inspector Anslow, who was brought back from holiday in the Maldives, a day early.

    And Southend's federation rep was also dismissive of council interest. "First of all, the chief is in line for compensation as a result of disorientation and jet-lag. Our second priority is to downgrade the unfortunate loss of life since relatives of the deceased have yet to formally request a crime number."

  2. Ooh melvy, another police story, ooooh! The bile drooling from your sad little gob. Pathetic boy melvy - take tabby now and wait for nursey !

  3. Julian Ware-Lane, Labour councilor

    Typical horny-handed manual labourer's name there, a real scion of the working class.

  4. Police have finally acknowledged the Essex problem, Julia. That big investment in crime mapping is paying off with the discovery of a hot-spot neighbourhood bounded by the English channel, the North Sea, and to the West by the Irish Sea/Atlantic Ocean.

  5. "Typical horny-handed manual labourer's name there, a real scion of the working class."

    Or Mum could only narrow it down to one of two..?
