Monday 15 June 2015

Yes, True Accountability Would Help…

Her family said yesterday they are “absolutely disgusted” that he was released to kill again and said the parole board should be held accountable.
Her father Peter Croft, from Hastings, said: “As far as I am concerned I hold the parole board responsible for the attack on the lady.”
Yup! And if they were told that, should a parolee commit a further offence, they themselves would be sacked, it might concentrate minds…
Mitigating at yesterday’s sentencing, Rebecca Trowler QC said his mental health problems reduced his culpability.
She added he was suicidal at the time of the attack.
He didn’t stab himself though, did he?


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats15 June 2015 at 11:03

    WT-actual-F is a paltry 16 years sentence going to achieve that the previous 30 years sentence didn't?

    Time to throw away the frigging key, surely.

    And then charge those who let him out with corporate manslaughter.

  2. Why not do away with parole and just have folk serve their sentances. And if they don't behave in prison, extend them.

  3. I think you are far too liberal. Parole boards should be like Lloyds names used to be, they should have unlimited liability in case someone re-offends.
    I would be quite happy to work like that on a parole board for lifers - although I would not any go free.

  4. Catch 22 here. If you make these people responsible then no one would get out on parole. Personally I don't think there should be parole as you should serve the time for what you did. At the moment those that can admit the were wrong and were sorry can convince a group of limp wristed do gooders that they can get let out. That is wrong but there is.

    The parole system should be abolished but, if they won't do it then they need to change it so that everyone gets a mentor who will guarantee their behaviour but more importantly put them up at their house until they can get on their feet again. That will of course stop them falling back into the trap of drugs etc.

  5. If you make the parole board culpable then nobody would get released and nobody in his right mind would be on the board.
    Ban parole and sentences will get shorter. If only to make room in the prisons.

  6. As with T.Vs and video games in the cell, Parole is a discipline method.

    They get caught with drugs, what does another three months mean on top of 16 years, or THIRTY years?

    If, however, they have the possibility of getting out after 8 or 9, then the risk of having to do the full 16 because they loose parole for said drugs, then they may think twice about snorting that line.

    They have to earn these privalidges, and know they can just as esily be lost.

    Since the sad demise of the ability of Prison officers to give the bastards a good kicking, or a magistrste ordering a flogging, this is the only way they CAN be held in anything resembeling control.

  7. Let them have the drugs. They could OD or even if it add the time. Who cares? I don't.

  8. "Time to throw away the frigging key, surely."

    Or get the scaffold ready.

    "And if they don't behave in prison, extend them."

    Spot on!

    "...but more importantly put them up at their house until they can get on their feet again."

    I think we should ensure this person is the judge :)

    "Since the sad demise of the ability of Prison officers to give the bastards a good kicking, or a magistrste ordering a flogging, this is the only way they CAN be held in anything resembeling control."

    Nowadays, it seems it's the fellow prisoners that often do the good kicking!
