Wednesday 15 July 2015

Actually, Duwayne, That’s As Far As Everybody Was Concerned…

Mr Brooks, who was made OBE (Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in this year's Birthday Honours List, had said there was a risk someone could end up getting shot as they pulled out one of the cases to show police it wasn't a gun.
"We've seen that with Duggan," he said. "As far as police were concerned, he had a gun."
Because he did indeed have a gun. A real one.


  1. "Because he did indeed have a gun. A real one."

    You are at liberty to believe what you will, JuliaM. And on the subject of plod executions, your preferences may extend to the armed police version of their desperate attempts to stop the 'fleeing' Jean Charles de Menezes, including their loudly shouted warnings, before shooting him dead.

  2. Be fair Julia, Melvin was clearly present at the scene of the Duggan shooting. The jury that heard all the evidence is obviously wrong and Melvin is right.

    Nice deflection on the Menezes case as well,unrelated and an admitted police error.


  3. '…and an admitted police extra-judicial execution'.


  4. A classic Melv comment, succinct and completetly off the wall. As for Mr Brooks, well, Duwayne, there's more than a few know the truth mate and all the gongs in the world ain't going to change things….ask Doreen.

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats15 July 2015 at 22:34

    A mere OBE you say? Seems he's after a life peerage, what?

  6. "You are at liberty to believe what you will, JuliaM."

    It's not a case of what I believe, it's a case of what was fully documented at the trial of the man who sold the thing to him!

    "...unrelated and an admitted police error."

    And for which no-one was sacked. Indeed, the idiot in charge was promoted!

    "A mere OBE you say? Seems he's after a life peerage, what?"

    I wouldn't be surprised!
