Thursday 16 July 2015

Clearly, Exeter Is More Dangerous Than I Thought…

His solicitor Caroline Salvatore told Exeter magistrates that Gillmore is a schizophrenic with pyschosis and had been held in Exeter Jail for his own protection.
She said the blade slipped from the book and door staff struggled with Gillmore who was restrained on the ground.
She added that the blade was ‘to protect him from harm’ and that her client was ‘thought disordered’.
So, not the sort of person who ought to be wandering around on their own?
The magistrates jailed him for four months after taking his guilty plea into account.
Gillmore’s ex wife was at the back of the court and was shocked by the jail term saying: ”What ? I absolutely cannot believe that.”
Me neither, love. I thought they’d simply suspend his sentence!


  1. "Thought disordered" or not I'm sure the people of Exeter feel a little better knowing that there is one less nutter walking around thier streets with a concealed blade on him, ready to have a "thought distordered" moment on them.

    And he if can't stop carrying knives around he should be locked up saqfely until he does.

  2. It's funny how the guy with the knife is described as 'vulnerable'.

  3. @Bucko

    He is vulnerable to anyone carrying an electromagnet...

  4. "...I'm sure the people of Exeter feel a little better knowing that there is one less nutter walking around thier streets..."

    One down. how many to go?

    "It's funny how the guy with the knife is described as 'vulnerable'."

    Up is down, black is white...
