Wednesday 29 July 2015

Don’t Expect To See That £260 Any Time Soon…

The owner of both dogs, Paul Cave, 60, from Eton Avenue, Oldham, was found guilty in his absence after a trial of three charges - causing Rebel and Zola unnecessary suffering, failing to take steps to ensure their needs were met and failing to protect them from pain, suffering and injury.
He was sentenced today at Runcorn magistrates Court, but didn’t turn up to the hearing.
Clearly trembling in awe before the might and majesty of the justice system, there…

I make a prediction his cheque for court costs will similarly fail to make an appearance.
Cave, who is thought to have been working at the festival site near Runcorn at the time, was disqualified from keeping animals for life and conditionally discharged for 12 months.
He was also ordered to pay £260 costs.
Let's hope he goes to prison. Animal abusers must rank just under paedophiles.


  1. Whatever happened to bench warrants issued for those who show contempt of court by failing, or refusing, to turn up? Some Police officers (but not me, of course) would arrest prolific offenders on a Friday night so they would have to spend the weekend in a Police cell before being taken to court on a Monday morning. Very few did it a second time. Now awaiting Melv's wise words on how cruel the Police are.

  2. Disqualified from keeping animals!


    I am quite sure he'll abide by the terms of the order.

    No doubt at all.

  3. '...on how cruel the Police are.'
    Whilst they dream, ghosts make slaves of men who peddle evil. You are really lucky to be a half-wit, Penise.

  4. "Whatever happened to bench warrants issued for those who show contempt of court by failing, or refusing, to turn up? "

    They started going out of fashion about the time the justice system turned into an expensive joke.

    "I am quite sure he'll abide by the terms of the order.

    No doubt at all."

    Quite! :/
