Tuesday 21 July 2015

Give The NHS A Big Hand, Folks!

...truly, it's the envy of the world:
The nurses involved, who cannot be named for legal reasons, are all still believed to be working at the hospital.
Of course they are..! /sarc

But why would anyone do such a thing? Well...
Ms Hearsey’s family claim nurses damaged the doll, called Rachel, to force her to do as they said when she was admitted following a fall.
Ah, the caring profession!
Chief executive of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Richard Kirby said: "We are very sorry that this incident occurred and would like to apologise to Ms Hearsey and her family.
"The trust conducted a thorough internal investigation immediately following the incident and spoke with Ms Hearsey's family to discuss their concerns.
"The outcome and actions taken following the investigation were also shared with the family to reassure them that appropriate action had been undertaken and controls put in place to ensure that this would not happen again.
"Once again, we offer our sincere apologies."
You you suppose thry have these things in draft ready to go, with just the unfortunates' name to be inserted? It must save time...


  1. University degree: yes
    Compassion: no
    Funny how in the old days when the reverse applied, the nursing profession were respected.

  2. "The trust conducted a thorough internal investigation immediately following the incident and spoke with Ms Hearsey's family to discuss their concerns."

    Err? The Trust conducted an extremely cursory investigation, blamed the family and were only forced to conduct an internal witchunt when the family turned out to be stroppy bastards.

  3. It's the modern equivalent of "send him the cockroach letter"

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats21 July 2015 at 15:34

    Walsall Manor again. And Nurses Of No Appearance.

    No surprise there then.


  5. Mmm, suspect staff of no appearance too.

    (Anonymous for this post)

  6. £65,000 compensation for a *doll*?? Are you f**king kidding me?
    And why are taxpayers even paying it? FFS...

  7. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read the article

    1. her sister is quoted as saying that the doll was "tortured" - she's lost the plot

    2. £65k??? What John M said

    3. how many people really believe, like me, that, since the advent of nursing 'degrees', nurses consider themselves much too superior to actually nurse and would like to be regarded with the reverence once reserved for doctors

  8. Was it a voodoo doll?

  9. That is simply disgusting. Such cruelty should be a million miles away from people who are supposed to care. Why and how does a financial award enter in to this? No amount of money can help that poor, tormented old lady. No level of financial penalty is going to cost the evil-doers a single penny. Lawyers get fat as lessons are learned.


  10. Why haven't the nurses been named, disbarred and had their pensions evaporate? Until then it's all selfserving blahblah. The NHS are full of mafia protecting their own.

  11. "Funny how in the old days when the reverse applied, the nursing profession were respected."

    Spot on!

    "The Trust conducted an extremely cursory investigation, blamed the family and were only forced to conduct an internal witchunt when the family turned out to be stroppy bastards."

    As is very much the case in a lot of these scandals...

    "£65,000 compensation for a *doll*?? Are you f**king kidding me?"

    It seems a lot, yes, but I suspect there's an element of punitive damages here. And frankly, if it comes out of the staff's pocket, it should be doubled!

    Of course, it won't be.

  12. "Why haven't the nurses been named, disbarred and had their pensions evaporate? Until then it's all selfserving blahblah. "

    Correct. But at least the lawyers get rich.
