Monday 20 July 2015

*Prays For Tsunami*

Campaigners will pitch 100 tents on Southend beaches next month in protest at the way rough sleepers are treated.
I hope they don’t forget about things like ‘tides’…
The Warrior Square Soup Kitchen, which feeds the homeless three times a week in the town, is behind a bid to shame Southend Council into doing more and says it will donate all the tents to rough sleepers after the protest.
The move comes after homeless people were spotted camping on Southend beaches and cliffs and it follows a call from Rochford and Southend East MP James Duddridge for the homeless to be moved on, after labelling them “homeless campers holidaying by the sea”.
That’s because the ones the ‘Echo’ talked to demonstrably were
Jo Bates from the soup kitchen said: “We are confident we will have at least 100 people sleeping in tents on the beach and we will then give them to the homeless. Unless the council is going to give these people homes the problem is not going to go away.
“Not all of the homeless are drunks or drunk addicts.
“They can’t get benefits because they don’t have homes and they can’t get homes as they don’t have benefits. Something has to be done to help them. These are human beings and have rights too.
“There is no law to stop people sleeping on the beach. Just because they are homeless doesn’t mean they are any less of a person."
Actually, that’s exactly what it often does mean.

And what makes them ‘less of a person’ is the fact they aggressively beg for money and defecate and urinate in the street.
David Norman, councillor responsible for housing, said: “I am concerned about the safety of anyone sleeping or camping outside, or on the beach and close to water.
“It is important for those involved this is resolved as quickly as it can be. With that in mind I would absolutely discourage any protesters from camping on the beach. A supportive and proactive approach is being taken and we are looking at each situation on a case-by-case basis.
“According to Government legislation, it would not be appropriate to give housing priority to people who do not have a connection to Southend.
“In order to qualify for council housing, it is necessary to have lived in Southend for at least three years.”
And that means ‘in a house’. Not in a tent on the beach.


  1. The tide is turning for this pier group!

  2. And as if by magic:

  3. They`re concerned enough to donate tents to these people so that they can continue to live rough but not so concerned that they will let them live in their spare room? yeah says it all really.

  4. Tsunami at Southend. Hmmmmmm, you have the film rights? Scores of velcroed cyclists swept to an untimely end?

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats21 July 2015 at 15:44

    I noticed conscientious objectors perpendicular cylinder soup is off the menu. So much more filling than one dimensional square soup don't you think?

  6. XX “According to Government legislation, it would not be appropriate to give housing priority to people who do not have a connection to Southend. XX

    UNLESS, of course; their name is Mustafa W'hank, and they have just arived on a cross channel container wagon.

  7. "And as if by magic..."


    "...but not so concerned that they will let them live in their spare room?"


    "UNLESS, of course; their name is Mustafa W'hank, and they have just arived on a cross channel container wagon."

    Spot on!
