Tuesday 7 July 2015

Send For Officer Krupke!

People are said to be "terrified" as the gang, known as Dem Africans, have become "kings of the street" on the estate in Bedevere Road and Galahad Road - within 500m of Edmonton police station.
Bilal Ahmed, who visits his partner in Bedevere Road, fears for the safety of people in the area and says people are terrified of the gang.
He said: "They have taken over the area and made themselves kings of the street, they have used the green space for their own. It’s terrifying for people round here.
"When I visit from Golders Green, I am always concerned about the number of people hanging around on the street, like they are ruling the place."
Blimey! It’s not like The Jets and The Sharks, is it?
According police.com figures for the first four months of 2015, there have been 121 reported crimes in the surrounding area including 18 crimes in April in Bedevere Road alone.
A total of 29 of those crimes have been violent, with another 25 being anti-social behaviour.
And what does our fearless police farce have to say?
Detective Inspector Chris Rixon of the Enfield Borough Gangs Unit said: "Gang related violence will not be tolerated. Enfield Borough has an enthusiastic gangs unit, working with partners, who are dedicated to disrupting any criminal activity and bringing offenders to justice."
They don’t seem enthusiastic about wandering the 500m to have a little look for themselves, do they?


  1. I am willing to bet that the moment anyone tries to do anything about the gang the police will be out in force to stop them.

    This is a case where a few very large blokes with baseball bats need to have a few words with the gang by breaking a few knees and telling them it will be heads next.

  2. Rixon of Mock Green7 July 2015 at 12:04

    Evenin' all.
    Having taken a fresh look at all these so-called stabbings and crimes in our tranquil Belvedere Rd area, I now understand the original fuss. Here, in the backrooms of Edmonton station, we have finally managed to collate the 'right' statistics which depict a safe neighborhood. It's was easy for nice residents and street traders to mistake blood for what may simply have been red paint spillages, eh? And I can understand how untrained eyes can misinterpret the sight of two street traders...of no particular description...using items of innocent kitchen cutlery whilst engaged in divisions or transactions involving unspecified resins and white powders.

    You see folks, a lot of these 'stabbings' and 'gangland crimes' are in reality, innocent civil disputes involving 'weights and measures' or street canvassing which can be mistaken for something more sinister.
    Goodnight all.

  3. Bilal Ahmed, from "Golders Green"???

  4. 'Bilal Ahmed, from Golders Green???'

    Yep, he's the new Rabbi. These are enlightened times, my friend.

  5. Oy vey, I eagerly await the arrival of out local imam and hajji Solly Rubinstein and his brother Avi..

  6. Lynne at Counting Cats10 July 2015 at 23:45

    London sink estates putting the "dive" in diversity.

  7. "I am willing to bet that the moment anyone tries to do anything about the gang the police will be out in force to stop them."

    Yup! Just as the sight of villagers organising to see off travellers brings out a squadron!

    "Bilal Ahmed, from "Golders Green"???"

    London's changed... :(

    "London sink estates putting the "dive" in diversity."

    We have drive by shootings now. We're so cosmopolitan!
