Friday 3 July 2015

This Is What Veganism Does To The Brain…

Animal rights protesters dressed in costumes targeted meat traders in Wickford High Street for the second time in two weeks.
A group of about 12 people gathered outside J Clark and Sons on Tuesday morning, including some dressed as chickens.
Earlier this month, protesters stood outside Iceland supermarket, opposite the butcher’s shop, to voice their opposition to the sale of “exotic” animal meat.
Oooh, yum! I love exotic meat. Must nip to Wickford and…

But staff at J Clark and Sons said they do not sell any such meat.


  1. Exotic? You can get kangaroo sausages etc. in Iceland, and delish they are too.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats3 July 2015 at 14:14

    For "exotic" read "dobbin".

  3. I'm getting towards being a vegan:- I mostly only eat meat that comes from vegetarian animals...

  4. Salad, that's what food eats. Vegans' meat might be a tad stringy for me so I will stick with Jemima Puddleduck a l'orange and Peter the Rabbit stew. Skippy bangers sound nice, I might give them a try. 5759

  5. Game? Lived wild, fed wild, shot wild, most humane.

  6. "For "exotic" read "dobbin"."


    "Salad, that's what food eats. "

    Well, quite! It's a garnish, not a meal.

    "Game? Lived wild, fed wild, shot wild, most humane."

    Indeed so - far better life any any reared-for-meat livestock...
