Monday 27 July 2015

This Is Why These Stories Get Published…

A pregnant young mum has been offered a house in Manchester by Bexley Council after her grandmother's death left her homeless.
And this isn’t quite your usual story, either:
Natasha Mullan was forced to move out of her step-grandfather's house in Bexley after her grandmother, who brought her up, died from cancer last year.
Due to him being a Muslim, she was forced to move out of his home in February as she is an unmarried, single mother.
Ummm, which she presumably was while her grandmother was alive. Given she’s not just pregnant, but also has a one-year-old?
Ms Mullan, who is mum to one-year-old Annabelle and 31 weeks pregnant with her second child, said: "Once the funeral was out of the way I had to move out as it's against his religion.
"It's not my fault, it's nobodies fault."
Really..? I mean, really…?!?
The 21-year-old has since been staying sleeping (sic) on friend's sofas after being told by Bexley Council that there are no suitable properties in the area but she could be offered a house 230 miles away.
She added: "My friends aren't being horrible when they're saying they can't have me there but it's not practical to someone living on your sofa.
"It's no life for my daughter either, not knowing where we're going to be next week.
"But we can't move to Manchester, it's ridiculous, I don't know anyone there.
"Annabelle's dad lives nearby here and we try and make it easy for her to have a relationship with him."
And if Annabelle’s dad had done the decent thing and married you (assuming he’s single) and provided you with a house, you wouldn’t need to be sponging off the taxpayer.

But he didn’t, so you are, so it’ll be the taxpayer that tells you where you can afford to live.
A spokesman for Bexley Council said: "Ms Mullan refused the offer of accommodation in the Manchester area, despite it being all that was available at that time.
"Where we can, temporary accommodation is provided in borough or in neighbouring boroughs such as Dartford or Gravesend.
"Due to the current housing pressures, on occasion our only option is to use accommodation that is further afield, including the Manchester area.
"As Ms Mullan turned down this offer, this meant our interim duty towards her was considered to be discharged."
Quite so. But hang on!
Since speaking to News Shopper Ms Mullan has now been accepted to bid for housing in Bexley via Bexley’s Home Choice system.
See? This is why these stories get taken to local newspapers, as a commenter noted on a previous story:

Because it works


  1. How do these fat ugly birds get pregnant?

  2. Due to her dad being Muslim? Hmmm, she looks to be the wrong colour for that to be true. I know some white English / British do choose to become Muslim but I'm guessing that isn't really the case here. Colour me cynical, but I can just imagine the dad and daughter planning this so she'd get council housing, and they've realised that being a Muslim is pretty much the Ace card in the deck these days.

  3. XX "Due to the current housing pressures, on occasion our only option is to use accommodation that is further afield, including the Manchester area.XX


    Manchester must be the only local authority in Britain without its OWN waiting list!!

  4. "How do these fat ugly birds get pregnant?"

    Parthogenesis? Certainly, the CSA has trouble finding someone to pay...

    "Due to her dad being Muslim?"

    No, it's her step-grandfather.

    "Manchester must be the only local authority in Britain without its OWN waiting list!!"

    Ahhh, you cynic, you... ;)
