Wednesday 1 July 2015

Understatement Of The Year!

Nicola Gatto, defending, told the court how Donaghy suffered with mental health issues stemming from his abuse of cannabis from the age of 14.
She said his mental "frailties" may be a reason for him over-reacting in stressful situations.
Well, we can all overreact in some situations, can't we?

Bolton Crown Court was told how Donaghy had been at a party next door to his home, and had drunk half a bottle of vodka and six cans of lager. When he went home, he tried to grab a vodka bottle from his then-girlfriend, Lydia MacDonald, and assaulted her. His mother intervened and the three of them fought, with the battle spilling into the house garden which alerted the revellers at the party next door.
Donaghy's cousin Austin Mort ran across and told him to let go of Miss MacDonald, which he did. He said Donaghy had been "wide-eyed" and was clenching his teeth. Danny Phillips said he ran over at that point, held Donaghy at arm's length, and told him to calm down, which prompted the teenager to head butt him twice.
Ryan Phillips then got involved and fought with Donaghy, before the latter was forced inside by his mother.
The court was told how Donaghy and Mr Phillips had known each other for eight years, but there had been tensions after both had been in a relationship with the same woman.
After picking up a knife in the kitchen, he got out and leapt over a fence towards Mr Phillips, then stabbed him.


  1. Lovely neighbourhood.

  2. Unless the cans were Amsterdam Maximator, I can't see the alcohol being much of a concern after the vodka?

  3. Just another pissed nutter of his meds!

  4. Too much, too soon, no parental/self controls ever in place. Blame the government, they should stop trying to do something about this. 5759

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats3 July 2015 at 17:41

    Not so off his ugly face he couldn't find the knife drawer, leap over a fence and stab the solid half of his double vision induced vodka goggles.

    Mental, yes. Over-reaction, yes. Frailty? Only Gatto's defence.

  6. "Unless the cans were Amsterdam Maximator, I can't see the alcohol being much of a concern after the vodka?"


    "Blame the government, they should stop trying to do something about this. "

    As in a previous post, just televise it?
