Saturday 4 July 2015

What’s The German For ‘Lock Up Your Daughters’..?

A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts
Oh, great – here we go with German school uniform codes! So we…

Wait. What?
… because emergency accommodation for refugees has been set up next to the gym.
… the headteacher recently sent out a letter to parents to give reassurance about extra security measures.
"For the refugees, access to the school gardens and buildings is strictly forbidden. The same goes for the school grounds during the day.
The number of teachers on duty during breaks has been increased," read the letter from headteacher Martin Thalhammer.
That gives you a good idea of the sort of people you’re welcoming into your country, doesn’t it?
The letter goes on to give students instructions on how to deal with the situation: "The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to, in order to avoid discrepancies.
Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.
It’s just as well they weren’t settled in Essex then, or the older males might have a stroke…
The letter has not been met favourably by some parents, but a local politician, who did not want to be named, told Die Welt the move was "absolutely necessary".
"When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis," he said. "These boys, who come from a culture where for women it is frowned upon to show naked skin, follow girls and bother them without realizing. Obviously this is concerning for us," he continued.
And the thing to do is instruct your ladies to forget about the West’s freedoms, and cover up. Obviously!


  1. Any word from the "slutwalk" crowd yet?

  2. Muslim teenage boys undoubtedly have the same urges as all teenage boys. The difference is they have not been educated to respect girls & women, but rather been told (& observed their fathers' behaviour) that any bare flesh is an open invitation to them.

    In (approximately) the words of Pamela Stephenson on "Not the nine o'clock news", when talking about what to do with football hooligans, "Cut their goolies off, it's the only way they'll understand".

  3. FFS - If they can't behave then ship 'em back. Enough with this damned Islamopandering...

  4. What Ted said, unbelievable pandering, why don't the RopERS show a bit of gratitude and try and fucking behave!

  5. Fast forward another twenty years and our girls will be peering through bloody black letter boxes they put over their heads at this rate.

    For pities sake stop pandering to those who behave like prehistoric bloody cave dwellers, guests behave according to the customs of the host in civilised societies not the other way round.

    Thank the good Lord i aint 40 years younger, can just about cope with this bollocks in the knowledge that those who voted to keep the status quo in parliament in May are going to reap exactly what they planted in time to come, hope they see the link between the two when they are fully subjugated.


  6. And, why are suidaephobes so dangerous?

    Bacause a mere 4 to 5% (according to Government figures. Two can play at THAT game.) get to tell the remaining 95 to 96% of the population how they should behave, what they should think, and even how they should dress.

    Out Governments need to read up what MAJORITY rule, and Democcracy actualy mean.

    It doe not mean a hand full of sand niggers get to dictate how the country is run.

  7. Oh, and to Julias first question "Sperren ihre Töchter ein."

  8. Bunny

    Simple solution, explain to the refugees what the norms and standards are of the country they are in, if the refugees don't like it, they can go back. If they do not adhere to the norms and standards they go to prison and the offence is treated as an aggravated offence.

  9. Oh, and to Julias (sic) second question..."Ein Arschloch kommt."

  10. Or the Trottel version...XXEin Arschloch kommtXX

  11. OOPS ! Something has stirred Melvin. Nursey must have forgotten his morning hit of largactyl again!

  12. "Any word from the "slutwalk" crowd yet?"

    Strangely silent! How unusual...

    "In (approximately) the words of Pamela Stephenson on "Not the nine o'clock news", when talking about what to do with football hooligans, "Cut their goolies off, it's the only way they'll understand"."

    I loved that show... ;)

    "Out Governments need to read up what MAJORITY rule, and Democcracy actualy mean."

    There was a campaign to send them copies of '1984' a few years ago. Should have been a dictionary.
