Thursday 23 July 2015

What’s In A Name Part 2: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Housing Estate…

Determined residents face another legal battle after Basildon Council revealed plans to appeal a judge’s decision over a controversial street renaming scheme.
Oh, good grief, not this again?
Phil Turner, leader of Basildon Council, told the Echo he had lodged an appeal because of concerns about a lack of detailed evidence being given at the original court case.
Oh, really..?
The Tory administration has serious worries about the emergency services not being able to find its way around the estate due to the complicated numbering system.
He said: “We have a duty of care for our residents and we need to go to appeal. ”
Ahahahahaha! I note that ‘duty of care’ towards your residents mysteriously doesn’t seem to come into play in other matters, Phil?
“At first I wasn't sure we should be spending taxpayers money on another court hearing, but when I took a step back and thought responsibly I realised we have to give it another chance. I can’t live with it on my conscience when it's a health and safety issue. ”
You have a conscience..?!?
“Normally if we win these cases we ask for costs from the other party, but we would be asking for money from our own residents. Let’s see what happens.
“I don’t want to make the residents lives a misery, and I do want to apologise.”
In other words ‘Nice estate you have here, be a shame if it cost you money, eh?’…
Frank Ferguson, Ukip councillor for Lee Chapel, put his own cash into funding the original legal battle. He branded the Tory administration the “Billericay Mafia”, claiming cabinet members do not care about Laindon because none of them live in the area.
Mr Ferguson said: “They are nothing short of a dictatorship – local people’s views, needs and aspirations are repeatedly ignored by an out of touch group of bully boys.”
Maybe something the voters might like to consider next time?

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