Friday 21 August 2015

Apart From Child Benefit, That Is..?

Mr Iqbal, 57, a cab driver, lived in Blyth Road, Walthamstow for seven years before losing his job and being housed at the temporary property in March this year with his wife and his 12 and nine-year-old sons.
He lost his job as a cab driver and was totally unable to get another one?

He said: “I wasn’t given a choice. It was either go to Luton or just walk out of the door and be on the street.
“I asked if we could go to Birmingham or anywhere else but I was told again this was my only choice.
“If the council came down here they could see the reality is tough.
“My children wake up at 6am to get ready for school and they are so tired you can see it in their eyes. There were no places at the local school here.
“I have never claimed benefits from the state before but we have lost our freedom, we feel like prisoners here, waiting to go home.
“They have told me it could be up to two years. We are away from all our friends and other family members in east London it is horrible.”
So, doesn’t child benefit count, then? You have been claiming that, I assume?
John Knight, director at Ascham Homes, the housing manager for Waltham Forest council, maintained that Luton council were informed of the new residents.
He said: “Due to the level of housing demand in Waltham Forest, the council is not currently able to source sufficient properties within the borough or in east London generally which can be used as temporary accommodation.
“Our supplies are under instructions to secure properties in Waltham Forest wherever possible. “Where the pipeline of such properties is not sufficient to meet our needs we consider properties in other boroughs, and make use of them where we are satisfied they are both suitable and cost-effective.
“We take into account the size of families when placing them in these properties however, it is not always possible to avoid some families having fewer bedrooms than their assessed needs.
“In the short term we have no realistic option other than to place some families elsewhere to meet our legal obligations to the homeless.”
And if that means Luton, so be it.


  1. "He lost his job as a cab driver and was totally unable to get another one?"
    Maybe he lost his licence, not a very good reason to be claiming benefits unless it was for health reasons (which I doubt as he would have said so).

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats22 August 2015 at 18:17

    Stacking shelves in Tesco not good enough for him then?

  3. Mr Iqbal? Luton? He should feel right at home then. If his surname had been Jones, or Smith, then I might have had a small amount of sympathy as I wouldn't wish living in Luton on my worst enemy.

  4. "Maybe he lost his licence, not a very good reason to be claiming benefits unless it was for health reasons.."

    Well, indeed! If health was an issue, it'd be another excuse for him to use to avoid relocation.

    "Mr Iqbal? Luton? He should feel right at home then."

    Good point!
