Saturday 22 August 2015

The Tyranny Of The Perpetually Offended…

A café owner in the town where 5-year-old April Jones was abducted and murdered has defended putting up a sign featuring a joke about kidnapping.
Just savour those words. You have to defend humour, now.
The sign read: “The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap! Stay safe. Eat cake!!”
And a local resident, one Angharad Penrhyn, tweeted a photo ‘questioning it’. As you do, these days.
Penrhyn said she was apparently told she was being “hypersensitive” about an incident which happened “years ago”, when she complained about the sign.
Good! If a few more of these whinging ‘concerned types’ were met with a robust ‘Sod off, princess!’ the world would be a better place…
Responding to the complaint, the café owner claimed in an interview with the BBC that April Jones’ family had visited the café but “have not said anything” .
And even if they had, why should that oblige the café owner to remove it. They’ve already lobbied to have a perfectly good cottage knocked down, FFS!
The Independent has attempted to contact Chimes café for a comment.
Why? Why not contact Angharad Penrhyn instead, and ask her how she manages to get through a day without hyperventilating?


  1. There is a problem with the perpetually offended who moan about tractors making loud noises in fields etc....this however is different and will surely lead to the cafe losing customers.

    No-one thinks a joke about a missing girl in her home town whose name is known to everyone in the country is funny.

    Ignorant cunt.


  2. Here's the thing with free speech. You get to say what you want - and the cafe owners, in a free society, may do just that, but it comes with consequences. They may lose business because people don't like their humour. Or, as in this case, the twatterati get a fit of the vapours - as they are wont.

    And, as is usual, it will be deemed "unacceptable" which is the term off preference used by the hard of thinking when trying to shut down voices that displease them. The response to this is a robust exhortation to go forth and multiply.

    And, finally, dark humour is a part of human nature. People need to learn to get over it - and themselves - because it isn't going away.

  3. "...this however is different and will surely lead to the cafe losing customers."

    If I ran that cafe, I'd consider myself lucky to lose that type of customer. The joke clearly wasn't 'about the missing girl' and only an idiot would think it was. Are you an idiot, Rickie?

    "And, finally, dark humour is a part of human nature. People need to learn to get over it - and themselves - because it isn't going away."

    Not for want of the NuPuritans (and their useful idiots) trying, though...
