Wednesday 12 August 2015

Why Be Impressed..?

A thug bottled his sister's ex in an unprovoked attack — but avoided jail because a judge was impressed that he had sought anger management counselling.
Isn’t this the first thing his brief would have suggested?


  1. "The first rule is to always remember that you are playing a part to impressionable idiots, Mr Isherwood. You will joint a cast, alongside other amateur thespians, to be applauded or booed by half-cut conceited egotists in wigs and costumes."

  2. Well there's a lesson for any future victims. Forget justice and start to concentrate on vengence, because you ain't going to get justice for being bottled.

  3. "Well there's a lesson for any future victims. Forget justice and start to concentrate on vengence..."

    And those cultures already predisposed to extra-curricula vigilante action will benefit most...
