Friday 25 September 2015

Better Not Complain About The Layout Of The Petunias...

Kathryn Stuckey, prosecuting, said Ms Roberts was phoning police after the "riot" broke out around 10pm, when Smith knocked her unconscious, broke her nose, gave her a black eye and damaged her cheek with a single blow.
Recorder David Dixon said Smith had drunk 20 pints during the wake.
He told Smith: "Your problem has always been drink. You drink too much, you get into violence, that leads you to court, you get sentenced, you deal with the sentence, you get drunk, more violence ... that seems to be the pattern that has been followed for many years now. You richly deserve to go to jail."
 Regular readers will already have realised what's coming next....
But because a probation officer had given an excellent report on how Smith was trying to put his violence behind him, the judge suspended a 15-month prison sentence on condition Smith does two years' supervision, 180 hours' unpaid work, observes a nightly curfew from 9pm to 5am for four months and goes on a rehabilitation programme. He must also pay £400 prosecution costs and a statutory surcharge as well as £900 compensation.
"You have got two years of hard work ahead of you," the judge told Smith.
His barrister Glenn Parsons said …since being released from prison, he had set up his own groundwork business.
Who'd hire him...?