Wednesday 23 September 2015

Don’t Mention The War Ruddy Duck..!

Tony Whitehead, from the RSPB, said the company’s advice was “absolutely outrageous”. "He's suggesting killing birds and you just cannot recommend to do this in a civilised society."
Really? That’s strange, since you – the RSPB – do it all the time, don’t you?
The comments were widely condemned after being publicised by a wildlife crime officer, PC Josh Marshall
PC Marshall said: "I've had a massive amount of feedback about this - he's basically advocating killing wild birds. These birds mentioned aren't pest species, they're fully protected.
Yikes! Birdie racism!
A company spokesman said the information "should have been labelled a tip" rather than as advice.
Err, no, you can’t call it a ‘tip’ if it’s suggesting people commit a crime, you numpty!
The page has since been removed from the Devon Butterflies website.
A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police said: “No formal action was taken, the man was given words of advice.”
I just bet..!


  1. I don't think the RSPB have a leg to stand on regarding killing birds. For a start they have a bird mincer, sorry, wind turbine, at one of their sites and fully support the install and operation of wind turbines in the UK even when they kill the raptors that have just been introduced into the wilde.

  2. Agreed.
    I remember an edition of QI where Uncle Stephen Fry read out an emphatic statement from the RSPB saying that there had been no killing of birds by eco-crucifixes. This was long after anyone who had ever even heard of Google or Youtube knew differently.

  3. Anyone who has a cat that goes outdoors is likely to be a co-conspiritor in the death of many more birds than this bloke, 55 million a year quoted by the RSPB. Do they send the rozzers round to cat owners, like fluck they do.

  4. "I don't think the RSPB have a leg to stand on regarding killing birds. For a start they have a bird mincer, sorry, wind turbine, at one of their sites and fully support the install and operation of wind turbines in the UK..."

    Another deeply hypocritical major charity? Say it ain't so!

    "This was long after anyone who had ever even heard of Google or Youtube knew differently."

    It's like they think we are stupid. Well, I suppose enough of us are...

    "Anyone who has a cat that goes outdoors is likely to be a co-conspiritor in the death of many more birds than this bloke, "

    Guilty as charged! Mind you, mostly feral pigeons, so I think that's a draw?
