Saturday 5 September 2015

Emily Jupp Is Shocked, SHOCKED….

…that rape claims aren’t automatically given credence:
Although I’m pleased that the research is being taken seriously, it still makes me want to bash my head against the table in impotent rage that there was even need for a study like this in the first place. Why, when a woman reports that she has been raped while drunk is she not believed? I have sat in on a trial where a girl claimed she had been assaulted and it is an incredibly difficult thing to watch. Imagine being that girl -- having to stand up in front of a group of strangers, and the person who raped you, and recount in detail, blow by blow, what happened to you. Imagine having every gap in your memory questioned? Why would you choose to make that up?
Well, Emily, there’s all sorts of reasons.

It could be because, as law students, they think they can get away with it.

It could be because they are liars and fantasists.

It could be because they know that idiots like you will demand they face no punishment.

It could be because they know that the legal system is biased in favour of even proven nutjobs.

It might be because avoiding justice is easy if you can portray yourself as a victim.

It might be because the effect on the accuser will be so much worse than your own punishment.

Or it might just be because, despite the full benefits of a Western education, you're as dumb as a tree stump.


  1. Please do not compare me to such a creature. We have standards, you know!
    Signed, A Tree Stump

  2. Bunny

    I am starting to wonder if certain parts of the media and academia are now a form of benefits for people who are academically able but otherwise totally useless.

  3. "recount in detail, blow by blow"

    Interesting analogy . . .

  4. Bunny

    Julia I must protest about your lack of charitable feelings towards tree stumps. Rights for tree stumps now!

    One of your links had a comment from some daft woman who thinks that prosecuting false complainants might be against there human rights, no tree stump has ever come up with an idea so daft!

  5. Gosh, Julia. You didn't hold back there, did you? Really out on a limb. Nicely done too.

  6. Anon 18:10 I think what you are describing are the Gender studies, Women's studies, and other worthless non-subjects. Studying the changes in women's lives throughout history used to be of some value but these academic areas have been taken over by worthless third rate activists who turn out people only fit to teach Gender Studies and Women's Studies.

  7. Anon 16:41 said:
    I am starting to wonder if certain parts of the media and academia are now a form of benefits for people who are academically able but otherwise totally useless.

    It's rare for any of them to be what passes nowadays as academically able, i.e. fully literate and able to express themselves clearly and coherently - as was my father who left school at 14 in the 1930s.

  8. 'it still makes me want to bash my head against the table in impotent rage' - please love, don't hold back, just do it until your brain leaks out of your ears.

    You'll feel better, I promise.

  9. " a form of benefits for people who are academically able but otherwise totally useless."

    Well, it's that, or politics!

    "You didn't hold back there, did you?"

    I rarely do... ;)

    "please love, don't hold back, just do it until your brain leaks out of your ears."

