Tuesday 1 September 2015

I Neither Know Nor Care What Nicki Minaj Has To Say About Race...

...mainly because I haven't the faintest idea who she is.

But I do know that whatever Suzanne Moore has to say can be safely discounted:
The backdrop to all this is much more serious than the MTV Video Music Awards. In the US, black people are being murdered in churches and by the police.
And in their hundreds by their fellow black people, though strangely, pretentious white gobshites like Moore utter not one peep about that.


  1. I don't give a fuck what they have to say too.

    What about this:

    Have a look at Forest Eirann blog....its the Irish smokers lobby, they have had 4 different people posting 6 messages on the blog in 18 months....which is fuck all considering 2 of them must be family and friends of John Mallon the voice of smokers in Ireland.

    Anyway the Irish smokers lobby don't want to repeal the smoking ban according to their website....you couldn't make it up.

    I thought I would see what bumbling fumbling Simon Clark our British voice of the smokers has to say....this is really funny!

    Forest FAQ.....answers to questions about Forest!

    Do you have any well-known supporters?....he then lists Artists/playwrights and other arts and farts crowd....for fucks sake Simon what the fuck has your never ending celeb spotting/name dropping bollocks got to do with Smoking?......its as if the sucess of Forest and the so called lobbying it does depends on celebrity endorsements. which really means they have shown up for a fee or the promise of a free piss up on tobacco money.

    Here is what Simon says about accepting restrictions on smoking....."Of course. We understand the need for restrictions – even bans – on smoking in many public places"

    and: "!We accept the health risks associated with smoking and other tobacco products and we accept that government has a role to play educating people about those risks"

    This shite which Forset publish is the reason for the complete failure of smoking lobbying, its the reason Simon Clark is nothing more than a punchbag for Debs Arnot (ASH) ...its the reason he distances himself and refuses to blogroll the majority of smoking blogs over the years who have a fucked up agenda of denial and conspiracy.

    Smokers you let this happen, you never questioned Simon Clark, you let the complete failure of smoking lobbying happen, most of the smoking loon bloggers have fucked off defeated and confused....only Dick Puddlecote left trying in vain to gather some support " Drafting a health bill consultation response" he blogs about....no-one gives a fuck do they Dick?

    Simon/Dick...You might delete my messages on your blogs....the truth however won't go away.


  2. Nicki Minaj, whose canon of recorded works gave the world lyrics of such breathtaking, shimmering beauty as this:

    You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe [x3]
    You a stupid hoe, (yeah) you a, you a stupid hoe
    You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe (stupid, stupid)
    You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe (you stupid, stupid)
    You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe (you stupid, stupid)
    You a stupid hoe, (yeah) you a, you a stupid hoe (you stupid, stupid)

  3. In the same vein :-)))!

  4. Alternatively, according to an online magazine article I read some time ago but am unable to relocate, Nicki Minaj is a powerful feminist icon whose lyrics depict with humour and irony women's struggle to find a place in contemporary society; the fact that she regularly chooses to pose on all fours wearing little more than half a pint of baby oil is, apparently, a manifestation of her status as a strong, independent woman.

    However, it appears that some people have not quite got the message:

    The Las Vegas branch of the Tussauds waxwork empire has had to revise how it displays a statue of Nicki Minaj after visitors took sexually explicit photos of themselves engaging graphically with the figure, which poses on hands and knees wearing not very much.


  5. Oh, so that's who Nicki Minaj is. So now I know. Er...

  6. I ahde to say that when I read Moore's column I thought that all the magic mnushrooms being grown at The Guardian's offices had been cooked and eaten in a single meal.

    You have to wonder at the quality of the writing in The Grauniad this summer. Between Moore, Owen Jones, Rhiannon Cosslett and Bidisha it's been like watching a care in the community project being published.

  7. Bunny

    What Mr M said spot on, the Guardian an employment scheme for the terminally useless

  8. "This shite which Forset publish is the reason for the complete failure of smoking lobbying..."

    It doesn't help if you admit your enemy has a good point, indeed...

    "Nicki Minaj, whose canon of recorded works gave the world lyrics of such breathtaking, shimmering beauty as this..."

    Truly, a wordsmithette for our time!

    "...the fact that she regularly chooses to pose on all fours wearing little more than half a pint of baby oil is, apparently, a manifestation of her status as a strong, independent woman."


    "Oh, so that's who Nicki Minaj is. So now I know. Er..."

    Admit it, your life is so much the richer, no?

    "Between Moore, Owen Jones, Rhiannon Cosslett and Bidisha it's been like watching a care in the community project being published."

    Thank god they have the 'Autotrader' cash flow to keep them going...
