Wednesday 9 September 2015

I Thought What You Didn’t Know Couldn’t Hurt You..?

Two police officers are being investigated over “distressing” social media messages relating to the Shoreham airshow crash.
Good lord! Well, if people will post things on public fora, then they only have themselves to bl…

Oh. Hang on!
Sussex police said a private online message was allegedly sent to a colleague about Operation Bowdell – the force’s response to the disaster.
The recipient immediately reported the incident and the two officers, who are based at Brighton and Hove, are under investigation for gross misconduct by the professional standards department.
Well, that’s a little different, isn’t it?

According to the ‘Argus’, the ‘distressing message’ is a selfie. Tactless? Stupid? Maybe.

But ‘professional misconduct’..?
Deputy chief constable Olivia Pinkney said: “I cannot emphasise how upset I am that we are investigating such an allegation.
My colleagues have informed the victims’ families and apologised to them for it will undoubtedly cause them.
It’ll only cause them distress because you’ve seen fit to make a public ballyhoo about it!
“They are disappointed as we all are. Such an allegation impacts on everyone who was affected by the crash and detracts from the professionalism of hundreds of colleagues who have worked so tirelessly on this operation.”
What does one think detracts more from ‘professionalism’, then? The (possibly juvenile) sending of a selfie, or the hysterical overreaction and ‘stab colleague in the back to get brownie points’ behaviour of the officer who received the photo and, instead of saying ‘Yuck! Please don’t send this sort of stuff!’ immediately shopped his or her colleagues to the Thought Police?


  1. Ever since plod went OTT with 'selfies', exchanging uniforms and joining in with drunken Essex revelry on a Saturday night, we oldies have been left struggling with a one-time taboo. You know, when donning her helmet and pitching a drunken arm around WC Jaded would (in that bygone era) get you locked best.

    So let's have a few more plod selfies from the custody suite...especially that row of smiling plod with the XXXXL backsides, comfortably seated on the most recently deceased nigger...dragged in for an MOT which also expired during the night.

  2. I wouldn't, but perhaps you might entrust firearms to the plod entitling his post 'Human Barbecue'. Not fit to scoop manure from one heap to another, he/she is standard material for the 'service' these days, Julia.

  3. "My colleagues have informed the victims’ families"

    I don't geddit? For the love of God, WHY?

  4. Stone lifted Julia and out scuttles Melvin with two pompous and pointless posts.

  5. Our Police are running scared of being told off by the government. Why? The Police belong to us the people, not the government. Should we ask for them back, or start another one?

  6. "Should we ask for them back, or start another one?"

    Nobody wants them back. Plod will continue to pop their dumb pills whilst the slow process of sidelining emasculates them.

  7. "I wouldn't, but perhaps you might entrust firearms to the plod entitling his post 'Human Barbecue'."

    Gallows humour has long been recognised as a very important safety valve for people doing the sorts of jobs none of us would ever like to contemplate doing.

    "I don't geddit? For the love of God, WHY?"

    So they can parade their 'caring' credentials in public. They think it's what the public wants. Why, I cannot comprehend!

    "The Police belong to us the people, not the government. Should we ask for them back, or start another one?"

    I think we'll have to do the latter. I can't see how this one could ever be rescued from the progressives.
