Saturday 12 September 2015

MAMIL* Complains About Mammal…

A cyclist was thrown from his bike after a dog ran in front of him on a cycle lane.
Let the entitlement flow!
John Smith injured his wrist and stomach after going over his handlebars on Sunday in Western Esplanade, Westcliff. Mr Smith, a member of the East Essex Triathlon Club, is warning the cycle lane is too close to pedestrians and traffic and its just a matter of time before someone is killed.
He said: “I’d been cycling with friends from the club that morning, but decided to do a few more miles going through Canewdon and Southend.
“I got opposite the Toulouse cafe when this dog ran out in front of me. I was going at about 20mph.
“I had to brake really hard and went flying over the handlebars.
“Fortunately I didn’t fall into the road. If I had, I would have been seriously injured because there was heavy traffic.
“I have been cycling for years and am pretty vigilant, but the dog wasn’t on a lead and just ran across the cycle path.
“There are signs saying dogs must be on a lead, but its owner ignored that.”
Just like lots of cyclists ignore ‘No Cycling’ signs in Southend town centre? Or red lights?
“The cycle lane is just poorly designed. It’s not wide enough and it’s just a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed.”
This lane isn’t wide enough? Really? 

Julie Dempsey, 51, from Canvey, was cycling with her partner two weeks ago when they also had a close shave on the same part of the cycle lane.
She added: “A small child suddenly ran out in front of us. My partner yelled to warn him and we managed to swerve just in time. I know its difficult, but ideally the cycle path needs to be wider and it needs to be a bit more obvious that it’s a cycle lane.”
I fail to see how they could make it more obvious…

*Middle Aged Man In Lycra


  1. Imagine the outrage if a motorist said this!

    It's the responsibility of ALL road users to take reasonable steps to anticipate dogs and little kids running out into the road.

  2. We freeloading, sweat-stained, tax-dodging, 'pedlars' of the phantom cycle lanes, never had it so good, Julia. BTW, are you still flooring the gas pedal in order to overtake and make that sharp left turn in front of us? Good show, my dear.

  3. Curmudgeon is quite right: it's due to the universal proliferation of 'rights' accompanied by the equally universal abdication of responsibilities.

  4. Why not fit a cow-catcher to the front wheel and just not stop? Then dogs and small pests would learn the hard (but effective) way to keep clear.

    The same method works for cars. My 2' long (sharp-looking but actually harmless) offside bike-spike makes them give me a wide berth. Of course it's not because they care about injury to me, but they don't want to scratch their precious cars.

  5. Well, this particular cyclist wasn't ignoring ‘No Cycling’ signs in Southend town centre, was he? He was riding right where he should.

    And that part about "it needs to be a bit more obvious that it’s a cycle lane" is perfectly right. If pedestrians go where they should not go just because the place is not properly marked and they don't realise it's a cycle lane, then perhaps the municipal workers should bother their head a bit and come up with something that shows which part of the road is intended for which group of people in traffic?

  6. "My 2' long (sharp-looking but actually harmless) offside bike-spike makes them give me a wide berth."

    Where can I get one of those to fit to the nearside of my car?

  7. Welcome back Melv, I see the higher volts applied this stay also have had no effect on your Logorrhoea . Don't forget your meds!

  8. He he. Nice one John T.
    The image shows a kerb between the road and the cycle path. That's taking a while to get used to, having tripped once or twice. My fault, just tipsy mi'lud.

  9. "Imagine the outrage if a motorist said this!"

    Well, quite! Sensible drivers drive to the conditions & are always alert for things crossing the road in front of them.

    "BTW, are you still flooring the gas pedal in order to overtake and make that sharp left turn in front of us? "

    Just watch my indicators, MTG, they'll always give you fair warning... ;)

    "Why not fit a cow-catcher to the front wheel and just not stop?"

    Hey, don't give them ideas!

    "And that part about "it needs to be a bit more obvious that it’s a cycle lane" is perfectly right. If pedestrians go where they should not go just because the place is not properly marked and they don't realise it's a cycle lane..."

    One was a dog, one was a child. Yes, both should have been supervised, but accidents happen.
