Saturday 26 September 2015

Oh, No! You Want ‘em? You House ‘em!

Families in Southampton are being urged to do their bit in tackling the humanitarian crisis unfolding on Europe's borders by sheltering scores of vulnerable Syrian refugees in their homes.

Oh. Wait. You’re serious?
The authority is the second in Hampshire to actively respond to Prime Minister David Cameron's announcement that Britain would resettle up to 20,000 refugees over the next four-and-a-half years.
As previously reported Winchester City Council has launched a new scheme to encourage home-owners with spare rooms to take in lodgers or tenants with council support and is working with its housing teams to keep some properties that are scheduled for sale.
Well, if David Cameron wants them, it’s up to David Cameron to house them. Not the public, who don’t want them. As Angela Merkel is finding out.


  1. The council chiefs are only urging, not demanding. There is a difference.

    For example, I could urge Simon Letts, leader of the council, to come around and lick the perspiration from my buttocks cleft after I've been on a good workout. He needn't feel obliged, but as he says:
    "This city has a proud history of reaching out to people in trouble."
    I hope that he will do his bit.

  2. I am convinced they are running a "slow news day" article competition at the Guardian this September. There has been a stream of stuff straight out of psued's corner all month and this is an example of one

  3. Bunny

    A warm welcome, rapid fire, entrenched positions and artillery support comes to mind.

    I wonder what sort of welcome the 'refugees' would get in say Ulster?

  4. Primitive, uneducated people in thrall to a violent, misogynistic religion are not welcome in my house.
    The link to the article about the German problems shows clearly how foolish our great leaders are to invite these dregs of humanity into Europe.

  5. Indeed Mr Ed, you state verity itself. Why would anyone want a load of filthy gypos in their home- tis beyond reason itself. Send the buggers back. We have enough indigenous scroungers and idle scum without importing from abroad.

  6. I hope these bleeding heart bastards DO give them a room, or whatever.

    Nothing LIKE the overjoyous feeling of Schadenfreaud, watching these arseholes tying desperately to get rid of unwanted tennants, after their cat has been raped by them a few times.

  7. "The council chiefs are only urging, not demanding. There is a difference."


    "I wonder what sort of welcome the 'refugees' would get in say Ulster?"

    We'll never know, since I haven't seen that they are taking any!

    "...shows clearly how foolish our great leaders are to invite these dregs of humanity into Europe."

    They know they aren't going to be settled in their neighbourhoods...

    "I hope these bleeding heart bastards DO give them a room, or whatever."

    They could sell the TV rights to the German equivalent of Ch4!
