Wednesday 2 September 2015

Pigeons, Now, They're A Different Matter...

The 67-year-old demanded to know why officers had shot his son, whom he described as a ‘lovely lad who wouldn’t hurt a fly’.
 Oh, really?
‘They went to his flat, they shot him, but they won’t say where, or how... They said he had a gun but he never had a gun in his life. The only thing he had was an air pistol that he shot pigeons at his balcony with … because they kept him awake at night.
Clearly not the actions of a rational man, though. As is refusing to put the weapon down when armed police come calling...
His step-mother Mary Fox, 63, added: ‘James was a lovely lad … He shouldn’t have been killed by the police; the police can shoot people without killing them.
Ah, perhaps they should have shot the gun out of his hand, eh?
Mr Fox said his grammar school-educated son, who leaves a teenage daughter, changed after his younger brother Adam died eight years ago, adding: ‘James went downhill from there and became depressed and started drinking.’
Suicide by cop. Open and shut, no riots, move on.


  1. Yes but the bloke who was shot was white, so no riots in the offing, no calls for Sainthood, no high security protected memorials, no mass outpourings of grief, no calls for the Police to stand trial, just a "Well if you will wave a gun around at Police, them's the breaks". Now if he was black on the other hand...

  2. I needed some new trianers as well, and my plasma is sooo last year........this shooting hardly caused a ripple in the press did it?

  3. "Open and shut, no riots, move on" insists our hostess.

    James Fox was shot dead by police after allegedly wielding a firearm in a block of flats. we won't be hearing his version, then. Given these circumstances, I exercised the initial caution of paying particular attention to the word 'allegedly'. That JuliaM is on hand to publish her independent verification of plod's draft report of events, settles the incident and must offer colossal comfort to loved ones of the 'quiet and reserved' deceased.

    Yet I retain a niggling reservation...knowing the reputation of armed plod for adjusting accounts and circumstances to best suit 'lawful killing' of their targets. Wouldn't it have been prudent to leave your pronouncement until plod committed themselves to a final, final edition of the 'facts', JuliaM?

  4. Jaded said


  5. The combination of insufficient exercise with 'doughnut' diet, WC Jaded?

  6. Jaded requires well annotated footwear. 'Trianers are marked left and rite on there uppers and there souls.'

  7. "Now if he was black on the other hand..."

    Precisely! The Outrage Bus would be fueling up ready for a long trip...

    "this shooting hardly caused a ripple in the press did it?"

    Indeed! Barely mentioned in the 'Guardian', no anguished CiF column inches...

    " we won't be hearing his version, then. "

    I expect in the fullness of time, like the other cases, we'll be hearing from the witnesses and people he threatened at the inquest. That's good enough for me.
