Monday 7 September 2015

The Incoherence Of The Entitlement Generation…

A charity worker is urging the government to listen to young people instead of "sticking plaster" over their problems.
Takyiwa Danso, who grew up in Tottenham, works on international charity projects for the Al Khair Foundation in Bounds Green.
Ah, a future productive member of society, indeed! Who needs builders and plumbers and bus drivers?
The 22-year-old, who is speaking out as part of International Youth Day which was held on August 12, believes young people in the UK are marginalised and undervalued, which can lead to riots.
I thought it was lack of trainers and widescreen TVs that led to riots?
Takyiwa began volunteering for the Second Haringey’s Boy’s Brigade youth club when she was 16, as she believes having a good start in life is paramount.
But she feels that even after the Tottenham riots, the money pumped into the area has not addressed the real issues youth face.
She added: “There is a generation that has missed out who aren’t able to properly benefit. They need to work on not letting that happen again.
“You don’t want another riot, but it was because people were angry. You need to address why they are angry as opposed to just sticking a plaster over it.”
From what I can see – and your little rant hasn’t swayed me much – they are angry because they’ve been taught by the education system that they are little gods whose every utterance should be hung on and respected, when the world of business that might want to employ them finds them sullen, workshy and overly confident about their meagre abilities, and decides not to employ them as a result.

If they then go on to foul their own nests in an orgy of self-righteous violence and looting, well, that’s just proving who was right, isn’t it?


  1. : “There is a generation that has missed out who aren’t able to properly benefit. They need to work on not letting that happen again."
    Let's correct that: " there is a generation on benefits who couldn't be arsed to work and blackmail society with threats of violence". Scrap benefits, scrap minimum wage(these entitled idiots are not productive enough to justify it) and they will be too busy working to indulge in violence, theft and arson. Oh and return charity back to its origin: that working for one is an act of love not a source of remuneration.

  2. Spot on Julia, and anonymous above.

  3. "Let's correct that: " there is a generation on benefits who couldn't be arsed to work and blackmail society with threats of violence". "

    Yup, that's far more accurate!
