Saturday 31 October 2015

So…Do They Plan To Do Any Actual Teaching..?

School “champions” from Barnet and Haringey have been recognised for their work to…
Get pupils skilled up in reading, writing, and sums?
promote safe travel in their schools.
STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) is a TfL programme that supports schools with school travel plan activities that help young people adopt safer and sustainable ways of travelling.
OK, well, let’s look at the detail, shall we, before we jump to the conclusion that it’s all a pile of lefty bollocks?
Ms Wishart used innovative projects including planning and running scooting lessons with her Year Two pupils, and has encouraged sustainable travel through the programme since 2007.
Her hard work has helped achieve a 12 per cent reduction in car use, according to TfL.
OK, never mind whether that’s even in her remit as a teacher. Any idea how she's supposedly done this …?
Ms Nath has used a creative approach at Moss Hall Infant School, such as her pupil scooter dance that was performed at the Annual Barnet Dance Festival.
She also led a successful campaign including pupils, councillors, governors and parents to get a new zebra crossing installed and a 20 mph zone outside the school.
Hopefully all in her own time..? Not in school time?

Well, the last had better be an improvement:
Mr Pollard and Ms Doyle have taught young people in Haringey with very little confidence to become totally independent travellers, understanding the different bus numbers and reading a timetable.

I just….


  1. "Reading a timetable"? Well that's the English element covered, or at least an early exposure to fiction. For many Schools nowadays the "Three R's" are not "Reading, Writing and 'Rithmetic" but "Runnin', Rapin' and Rioting"... As for reducing car use, well replacing old fashioned wheels with the new environmentally friendly baked clay cuboids or being able to use their art class skills to repaint and remodel the car before the business studies class pays off with a street trading project.
    There, all the cross-curricular boxes ticked and I can pass the lot off to the Teaching Assistants. This is how the modern education system works (sort of).

  2. Bunny

    Another example of why my daughter who isn't of school age yet will be privately educated.

  3. A 12% reduction in car use? Amongst school children? That sort of impact on joyriding has got to be good for North London car crime stats. Perhaps the lessons could be extended to PE classes (effective ticket barrier vaulting)...?


  4. Bill in St Louis1 November 2015 at 03:02

    What this all boils down to, after the "scooter dance" and the sustainable twaddle, is that she taught someone, (at least one) to read a freaking bus schedule. I am of the mind, (as a regular reader of your blog), that given the state of your nation she will now be drawn and quartered for actually performing, admittedly a tiny part, of her JOB and taught a child to read a bus schedule. I love your writing, because every time I think we across the pond have fallen to a new low, I am inspired by how far we have yet to go.

  5. "There, all the cross-curricular boxes ticked and I can pass the lot off to the Teaching Assistants."

    I'm sure you've described the new curriculum there!

    "A 12% reduction in car use? Amongst school children? That sort of impact on joyriding has got to be good for North London car crime stats. "


    "I love your writing, because every time I think we across the pond have fallen to a new low, I am inspired by how far we have yet to go."

    Now I'm confused, because I thought you were waaaaaay ahead of us! Or maybe that's just in California..? ;)
