Tuesday 6 October 2015

"Stand Back, Citizen! Let Social Justice Warrior Man Handle This!"

Ummmm, what? Who on  earth would take it on themselves to.... *checks Twitter bio*


Yeah. I guess that makes sense. Still, it's just one idiot getting outraged on behalf of someone in order to gain a spot of Virtue Signalling credentials, so can be safely igno ....

Oh, FFS!


Update: Farenheit211 has more...


  1. Jesus wept, words fail

    this comment is brought to you from ageing hideously white hetero chap married to barmy and lovely hetero Latin, both of whom wonder if they've fallen down a hole and woken in a surreal parallel universe


  2. Thanks for including the link Julia - I was utterly appalled by the willingness of this virtue signalling busybody to jump in and be pre-emptively offended on behalf of the Bearded Savages.

    People who do this sort of thing would also be the sort who would probably report their own Granny to the police if she uttered something 'offensive' in his presence. Will the next generation of Halkou's end up willingly grassing on their own parents should they be considered by the child to be insufficiently politically correct enough?

  3. Well I hope our warrior or the Council is going to pay the cost involved in removing 'offensive' hoarding.

    What on earth's a "cultural Christian"?


  4. Anon: 'Christians' - met plenty of them. 'Bisexuals' - met quite a few of them. 'Bisexual Christians' yep I've come across them as well. but 'cultural Chrisian?' I don't think I've seen that term or anyone describing themselves as such outside of publications from the Lefty academic bullshit machine or coming from posers or from those who are technically agnostic and whose only connection with Christianity is Christmass dinner, but who are too non-committal to say they are agnostic.

  5. Well its got me confused. Is it something about this film? What exactly is the "offence"? As to turning in his granny, I seem to recall a certain group of "Socialists" relying on the terminally gullible to do exactly that and it did not end well...
    I noticed he had a "Free Palestine" on his profile, do you have to collect tokens or can you get one from the shops?

  6. I was making stupid comments like Halkoe when I was a child. My audience was small, thank God. My idiotic sufferings were soon forgotten. Mz. Halkoe will, one day, regret much of the deranged drivel which he has engraved upon the internet. Under EU law he has a 'right to be forgotten'. I wish the rest of us had the right to not encounter the thoughts of such witless idiots. They make me ashamed to be British.

  7. @Fahrenheit - thank you for trying to explain 'cultural Christian' (I doubt Mr H, himself, would be able to!).

    May I have some fun,though, and have my rant about 'lefty, academic bullshit'? I often read dark chunterings about lefty (for which read idiotic, idealistic) arts and humanities graduates as if we're automatically consigned to agree with the wibblings of the Grauniad or the Beeb. As one myself, who specialised in Philosophy (logic and ethics) and Religion, I can disclose that I have no truck whatsoever with cerebral pygmies who adopt 'a position' without really thinking it through (your average bien pensant). I've long ago, for example, lost patience with those who think that it's clever and, y'know, sooo right on to consider that they're atheists when it's as irrational to 'believe' in atheism as it is to 'believe' in religious dogma: the only position that it's rational to take is agnosticism

    Nevertheless, I suspect that you're right F211 in your opinion of Mr H - a first rate bell-end with the arrogant, self-assurance of the 20 year old. There is hope, though - he might grow out of it.

    PS as a result of Julia's post I found your blog. I think I'll be visiting again.


  8. He offends me: to whom can I complain in order to have him removed?

  9. "...both of whom wonder if they've fallen down a hole and woken in a surreal parallel universe"

    If only! We might wake up.

    "I was utterly appalled by the willingness of this virtue signalling busybody to jump in and be pre-emptively offended on behalf of the Bearded Savages. "

    The real pity is, there's more of his ilk than we ever suspected!

    "What on earth's a "cultural Christian"?"

    God knows..! ;)

  10. "Well its got me confused. Is it something about this film? What exactly is the "offence"?"

    No, just the title. A mosque caught fire nearby, two teenagers (of unknown name & appearance) have been arrested.

    " Under EU law he has a 'right to be forgotten'."

    Good luck getting THIS taken down... :)
