Tuesday 13 October 2015

That Whole 'Speaking Truth To Power' Thing...

...I think the SJWs are only comfortable when it's their truth, don't you?

David Thompson's blog is, as ever, a great place to study this phenomenon.


  1. I doubt Eddie is going to notice to be honest, not with over million followers. Odd that game rate is still a thing. Next you will be telling me that Anita person is still making those dull and boring videos that have all the entertainment value of a party political broadcast of the Green party .

  2. From gawker.com

    What is #Gamergate?
    "#GamerGate" is an online movement ostensibly concerned with ethics in game journalism and with protecting the "gamer" identity.

    Even regarded generously, Gamergate isn't much more than a tone-deaf rabble of angry obsessives with a misguided understanding of journalistic ethics. But there are a lot of reasons not to regard the movement generously.

  3. "...all the entertainment value of a party political broadcast of the Green party "

    Not even that much!

    "...isn't much more than a tone-deaf rabble of angry obsessives with a misguided understanding of journalistic ethics."

    Oh, I think the reaction from the feminists means they've got it pretty spot on...
