Friday 16 October 2015

The Germans Weren't The Only Ones Bagging Huge Trophies...

... the Public Administration Select Committee brought down a brace of amazing beasts yesterday too!

Some highlights:

Well, what would? Certainly not the proper scrutiny, which as Jack of Kent notes, has been lacking throughout.


So....that's 'Yes'?


  1. The woman looks like an extra reject from one of the Harry Potter films. I certainly get the impression that she lives in a fantasy world.

  2. Millions of taxpayers hard earned wasted on indulging this grotesque woman's fantasy, enabled by a climate of political correctness in Government.

  3. Bunny

    I really hope that this bloody woman does jail time.

  4. Giveyourmoney is a oneoff delusional clown but getting Yentob into jail is profoundly to be wished: he encapsulates everything the smug selfrighteous selfcongratulatory inside group which runs the msm and is the prism through which politics is forced into narratives to the detriment of truth and open debate. Get him!

  5. Then there's the rather amusing description of Batmanghedlijh in the Telegraph as looking like "a pile of Aladdin's laundry" - made me paugh anyway

  6. @John M - :) I laughed at Quentin Lett's description of Yentob looking like a junior pudding waiter sitting beside an urn of fruit salad.


  7. She appears to be rather well fed. What does it cost to feed one of those? That is the question dog owners ask each other. I demand to know how much it is costing to feed that cousin of Jabba.

  8. As others comment, these two fuckwits need to atone, some gaol time certainly but be nice to see the pair picking up rubbish with a hi-viz on, bespoke for the jabba like creature AND only yellow/orange (not both).

  9. 'She appears to be rather well fed'.

    I suspect there's a couple of illegal immigrants hiding in all that swaddling. Or should it be 'swindling'?

  10. "I certainly get the impression that she lives in a fantasy world."

    Along with the DG of the BBC!

    "I really hope that this bloody woman does jail time."

    Me too, but I'm realistic; she'll do very little, even if convicted.

    "I suspect there's a couple of illegal immigrants hiding in all that swaddling."

    You could get more under there than in the average cross-Channel lorry!
