Tuesday 27 October 2015

Well, Who Is Telling You That It Is..?

Joanna Nicolas is puzzled about her role as a social worker:
When a child is the subject of a child protection plan, the social worker only has to see the child once every two weeks. How can social workers redress the inequalities in our society when they barely have time to see the child?
Social workers work within the thresholds for intervention set out for them. The focus is on the child and their need for protection, not the social injustice that may have led to that family being in the position they are.
The role of the child protection social worker in today’s world is not to strive to redress the imbalance of our society.
Well, who on earth ever told you that it was, for heaven’s sa…

Isabelle Trowler, the government’s chief social worker for children and families, said recently that social justice is at the heart of what social workers do. I was at the meeting where she made these comments, and they made me think, because I disagree. I don’t disagree that it should be, but I disagree that it is.


  1. Such a pity that the desk bound SJWs of the SS have lost the paper that gives the social worker job description.

    The problem is that it will one day come back and bite them in the arse and then lessons won't be learned despite the inquiries and eventually the SJWs can relax back into their comfort zones while those they should be helping continue to be abused.

  2. That's typical Common Purpose thinking, the sinister wish to remake the world in their own image.

  3. What an excellent measure of how far the woodworm has worked its way deep into the fabric of this country. Rudi Dutschke's 'long march through the institutions' is apparently nearly complete.

  4. At the cost of an increasing loss of confidence in those same institutions.

  5. "The problem is that it will one day come back and bite them in the arse..."

    And if it was just them affected, I'd long for that day...

    "That's typical Common Purpose thinking..."

    Very true!

    "Rudi Dutschke's 'long march through the institutions' is apparently nearly complete."

    Completed and they are putting their feet up by the fire, watching the end result... :(

    "At the cost of an increasing loss of confidence in those same institutions."

    I'm not sure there's any left to lose now.
