Saturday 24 October 2015

Why Should We Fear ‘Alienating’ A Culture That Is Alien To Modern British Values?

It’s a question the progressive press seems unable to answer, despite writing reams on the subject, every day, ad infinitum....

Matthew Goodwin, ‘The Guardian’:
During a generally unpleasant four years, the basic message appeared to be that the government was simply not that interested in anti-Muslim hatred. In fact, to my knowledge, and despite increased concern over extremism and disillusionment among British Muslims, the government has still not undertaken any research into what causes Islamophobia and what might be done about it. How does the government hope to foster trust and support among communities if it does not appear to take their grievances seriously? … The success of Britain’s counter-extremism strategy will ultimately hinge on its ability to engage across all communities and inspire their trust. Working in this way, in sharp contrast, is only likely to fuel their disappointment.
From ‘The Independent’:
The Prime Minister unveiled further measures to protect children and youngsters from being radicalised in a speech on Monday, including plans to close down mosques where extremist meetings have taken place. However, the Muslim Council of Britain challenged Mr Cameron, asking: “Do such mosques really exist?” Dr Shuja Shafi, the organisation’s secretary general, questioned how proposals to ban extremists from mosques and from using the internet would work in practice. “By whose definition are they deemed to be extremist?” he asked. “We cannot help also detect the McCarthyist undertones in the proposal to create blacklists and exclude and ban people deemed to be extremist,” Dr Shafi added. He said the Government's counter-terrorism strategy was based on "fuzzy conceptions of British values" and risked "alienating" the very Muslim communities that are needed to confront the likes of Isis and Al-Qaeda.
I’m tired of the ‘alienating Muslims’ excuse being trotted out as if that was something we needed to be wary of.

Frankly, if the demands of living in a society with equal rights and free speech alienates them, they know where Heathrow is.

There’s plenty of Muslim countries. Perhaps one would suit them better?


  1. Perhaps if Muslims are unhappy here, they can fuck off to some Islamic shit hole they hail from; I don't think so.

  2. We'll need to do something more coordinated soon. It's looking ugly.

  3. We listened to black voices on discrimination so stop and search has been curtailed. Black gang crime has increased substantially as a result. The faux protests was in truth not about discrimination but resent at the heavy police activity that was making black criminals' lives difficult.

    So it is with the Muslim community the majority of which want to see the UK conform much more with their beliefs, customs and culture. As do the black moderate majority. The moderate Muslims like their black counterparts fail to realise that although they want this in a reasonably equitable way (although how that could even happen without causing social disharmony is questionable) the hard liners and criminals are only use them as a stepping stone to impose their more extreme version on us all and gaina free pass to do what ever they want with impunity.

  4. Bunny

    The Guardian and the Independent will be the first go if the Islamic extremists ever get their way. I am amused by the way the Guardian is puzzled by people being anti Islam.

  5. What we forget to calculate in our dealings with the Muslims is that Islam is a political movement wrapped up in religion with imperialist intentions and uses jihad to further it's aims.

    Seen that way which is the reality it is very chilling thing that we need to accept and act upon very quickly. However the new invasion of Europe by the jihadists of Islam to augment the ones already here may mean we have left it to late and we have and are being the architects of our own demise.

    I hope I am wrong but I cannot see that there is any other definition that fully fits what it is and stands for.

  6. Freedom of speech
    Freedom of conscience
    Equality before the law
    These are the fundamentals of our society, all of which conflict with Islam. Time to get fundamentalist about protecting them.

  7. "government has still not undertaken any research into what causes Islamophobia"

    Why on earth do we need "research"? We only need to look at what certain followers of the Religion of Peace actually get up to, and say.

    Research, forsooth. They've done it all for us.

  8. "We'll need to do something more coordinated soon. It's looking ugly"

    And yet, not enough people seem to value the fundamentals that anon above outlines...

    "So it is with the Muslim community the majority of which want to see the UK conform much more with their beliefs, customs and culture."

    While keeping the parts of ours that they love, like benefits.

    "Why on earth do we need "research"? We only need to look at what certain followers of the Religion of Peace actually get up to, and say."

