Friday 6 November 2015

Never Look At What They Say – Look At What They Do

Govanhill’s new top cop has warned online trolls to stop scapegoating ethnic minorities over crime.
So there’s no crime and it’s all in people’s imagination?
The 52-year-old who was “born and brought up in the south side” became the area commander last month.
His tenure began a week before Police Scotland parachuted in an additional 21 officers from its Force Flexible Policing Unit (FFPU), an offshoot of the Violence Reduction Division.
In an exclusive interview with the Evening Times, CI McInarlin denied that the special measure was due to a spike in violent crime.
Oh. Right. Guess not, then. They just had 21 officers sitting around twiddling their thumbs?
CI McInarlin said: “The feeling that all this crime and disorder is caused by the influx in Roma into Govanhill just isn’t the case at all.
“We do record ethnicity by way of victims and accused persons and, despite the rumours and suspicion, we can’t point the finger at the Roma.
“You see them standing on the corner but they are not actually doing anything. I think the problem is that local people who have lived there all of their lives are threatened. “I think we really need to be careful and sensitive around that. The last thing we want to do is start a race or ethnicity war around about that.
“Some of these Facebook accounts are close to the bone and I think they need to be very careful about the language they are using.”
Sounds like they are, and you are frustrated that you can't arrest them as a result. But maybe your officers are too busy with real crime?
When asked to explain the “increased fear of crime” CI McInarlin brings up two high profile cases where pensioners were targeted.
The first was in July when a 73-year-old woman had her necklace ripped off as she walked along Alison Street.
Then, last month, a 76-year old man was assaulted and robbed of £40 in Govanhill Park.
Police are still hunting for the thugs who attacked both pensioners.

H/T: @Ricardo_Bald via Twitter


  1. Perhaps they should do proppa policing and arrest the gypos. And in a proppa society, after they had served their proppa time, send them back to gypostan.

  2. Well, I don't know about you guys, but I see no reason at all not to trust figures for crime and ethnicity provided by a professional race hustler.

    Ten to one you could have Count Dracula roaming the streets and this guy would just claim he was a local with a speech impediment.

  3. Far too much like common sense, Flax old lad. The PC establishment would vanish up their own anal orifices in a fit of apoplexy, were you to suggest it directly to them. On reflection, that might be a good thing.

  4. What an utter cretin.

    People don't trust Roma, not because they don't understand them, but because they understand them perfectly well. They know this because Roma exhibit the same anti social behaviours everywhere else they settle, in Germany, France, Turkey, and even in London.

    Perhaps it is the Police who should be getting to know the subject better.

  5. **sighs** indeed, this town is all that's wrong with modern policing! FFPU - bollocks!

  6. Despicable attacks on old people were unknown until recently. Presumably the perpetrators have been exposed to such crimes already in their short lives.

  7. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I see no reason at all not to trust figures for crime and ethnicity provided by a professional race hustler. "

    Heh! Some detectives, eh?

    "On reflection, that might be a good thing."

    Even if just for briefly halting the flow of 'data' from that orifice.

    "People don't trust Roma, not because they don't understand them, but because they understand them perfectly well. "

    If so many other diverse cultures have the same issues with you, it doesn't take a genius to work out that maybe it's YOU rather than everyone else that is the problem...

    "Presumably the perpetrators have been exposed to such crimes already in their short lives."

    Scavengers target the weak.
