Saturday 28 November 2015

‘Racism’ Has Now Lost Its Meaning…

Afua Hirsch witters on with yet more inanities:
Ethnic minorities are under-represented in almost all professions – in the City, the media and FTSE 100 companies, and across the board at every management level. That’s compared, like for like, to white counterparts with the same level of education and attainment.

As Tim Worstall points out, this is one of the least racist countries of the world. What on earth are you whinging about?
That’s not to say there isn’t a growing ethnic minority workforce, and today a survey of over 24,000 people found that for them, racial bullying is on the rise. Some 30% of employees in the UK have witnessed or experienced racial harassment in the workplace firsthand in the last year.
No, they claim they have.
It certainly sounds right to me.
Of course it would, sweetie. Of course it would.
A Muslim friend was asked whether, since she was getting married, she was about to go all “whoo” (the person speaking then made a karate-like gesture in front of her eyes, as if to indicate a burkha). A British-born, British-raised, British-citizen-who-has-never-even-lived-abroad friend with dark skin was told that, no, she couldn’t be the face of video diary her company were commissioning, because they needed someone “more obviously British” . And every single non-white person I have talked to about this who has a job – any job – gets confused with other completely non-similar looking but also non-white colleagues, no matter how long we or our alleged doppelganger have been working there.
Those are ‘racism’? They seem mere rudeness or ignorance.

But of course, that’s indeed what they are, so the definition has to stretch a little.

It has to stretch, in fact, like Dawn French’s leggings on Christmas evening:
These may be anecdotal examples, but what’s most relevant about them is that they’re not the vile racist attacks usually associated with “racial discrimination”. Often they are said or done by generally well-meaning colleagues – something judges struggle with, dismissing claims because they didn’t think the perpetrator was a “racist”. But that’s not the point.
Of course not. Keeping the racism career carousel going for you and all the other race hustlers is the point.


  1. And whites are under represented in prison. Perhaps whites should be put in prison to even up the numbers more fairly and to represent the population in it's vicinity.

  2. I'm not so sure. Since this PC nonsense has made positive discrimination a everyday occurrence and people, especially younger people, have noticed that SJWs are making their lives harder I have noticed that more and more people are now striking back.

    Programming the next generation and not in the tolerant way they wanted but you reap what you sow.

    Of course it doesn't help that people like us point it out to them because they are too thick to join the dots.

  3. "That’s compared, like for like, to white counterparts with the same level of education and attainment. "
    So... if I understand this right, there aren't enough non-whites with education and attainment levels. Is this because they have been denied the opportunity to be educated, or that maybe they (non-whites) are unable to take advantage of educational opportunities because of...... *crickets chirping*....
    Gee, why would a certain subset of the population NOT take advantage of a free education?

  4. Afua Hirsch should read my book - Black people I have met whilst yachting. It's quite short.

    They're not "people of colour". They're people of attitude. Who, in their right mind, would employ someone who could play the Ace of Spades (snork) if their career path didn't follow their expectations?

  5. "And whites are under represented in prison. Perhaps whites should be put in prison to even up the numbers more fairly..."

    But not white women!

    "Since this PC nonsense has made positive discrimination a everyday occurrence and people, especially younger people, have noticed that SJWs are making their lives harder I have noticed that more and more people are now striking back. "

    Good! Maybe the penny's finally dropping?

    "They're not "people of colour". They're people of attitude."

    Good point!
