Tuesday 17 November 2015

Yet More Pointless Gestures...

"Within the speed limit my son was killed, that’s what’s hard to understand.
"At a lower speed my son would have lived. My son dreamed of being a footballer but with his death his dream died and mine did too.
“It would be his birthday next month. It is going to be one of the hardest days of my life and I don’t know how I will get through it.
"But if we can be celebrating a change that could save other children that would be something.”
Oh dear, so let me get this straight, a non-speeding bus killed this kid? How'd that happen?
Bus driver Sandra Thomas told the inquest she saw David just a fraction of a second before he crossed her path, and tried to brake and swerve to avoid him.
Ah. I see.
...road traffic collision investigator Pc Adrian Vanlancker told an inquest at Barnet coroner’s court that a 20mph limit in Fore Street would be “unmanageable.”
Well, d'uh! Though in rush hour, it might seem dizzyingly fast...
Mike Weston, TfL’s director of buses, said: “Any injury or fatality involving our buses is one too many. We are strong supporters of 20mph zones.”


  1. There's nothing for it. We will have to bring back the man with the red flag.

  2. "He dreamed of being a footballer"

    He wasn't going to BE a footballer though. Sentimental tosh!

  3. This is unusual. Most plod struggle with words spanning more than five letters. A reliable benchmark which makes 'unmanageable' a suspiciously lengthy offering. Purely in the interests of Justice, Julia, it would be more convincing to hear the evidence repeated with the benefit of probes inserted into the Broca area of PC Vanwanker's brain. Coincidental activity registered here would dispel the reasonable suspicion that this word was nothing more than a mechanical utterance.

  4. Bunny

    Pity the driver oouldn't have got the father too

  5. Kid runs into road without looking and dies under bus travelling within the speed limit. Tragic, but don't they teach children basic road safety any more?

  6. "We will have to bring back the man with the red flag."

    Don't put such ideas into their heads. They're likely to take up your suggestion. Combined of course with the 4 m.p.h. speed limit that went with it. Because if all traffic is slowed down to 4 m.p.h. lots more kiddies will be saved. Think of the children!

  7. The Standard report says he was one month short of being 14. But seemingly had no road sense - most 8-year olds understand traffic dangers.
    He was running to catch a bus, although presumably not the one which caught him.
    Oh dear.

  8. "We will have to bring back the man with the red flag."

    Yikes! What dfordoom said! ;)

    "He wasn't going to BE a footballer though. Sentimental tosh!"

    No-one ever dreams of being a train driver or car mechanic anymore do they?

    "Tragic, but don't they teach children basic road safety any more?"

    It's probably hard to fit in among all their victimhood classes...

    "But seemingly had no road sense - most 8-year olds understand traffic dangers."

    Could apply that to most 20 years olds round my way!
