Thursday 10 December 2015

I Know ‘Every Dog Must Have His Day’, But…

…this is bloody ridiculous!
Six American bulldogs who were placed on "death row" after savaging a pensioner and his dog are a step closer to being destroyed after their breeder failed in a legal bid to save them.
Yes, it’s the ongoing saga of the Potts’ and their pack of hellhounds.
He was jailed for three months and banned for life from keeping dogs at Durham Crown Court in August.
Judge Christopher Prince also ordered that the six dogs be put down. Potts, previously of Coronation Crescent, Low Pittington, County Durham, subsequently appealed against his lifetime ban and the dogs’ destruction.
However the Court of Appeal has now rejected his case – leaving the bulldogs facing death.
And this time, the taxpayer is not going to be picking up the tab for the appeal:
Potts, who turned to keeping dogs for comfort after his son killed himself some years ago, now has 14 days to decide whether to further challenge the decision.
He would have to do so at his own cost, and the court was previously told he was of "limited means".
Which is just as well, really, given the eye-watering sums these brutes have already soaked up:
The cost to the taxpayer of keeping all 14 of Potts’ bulldogs in kennels, after they were impounded by the police, had reached £38,000 by August, the court heard.
Where’d they put them up, a Hilton suite?!?


  1. Another case for bringing in Clarkson's Law.

  2. Clarkson's Law?

  3. Ah, I see his error - they should have been pitbulls.

  4. Clarkson 's Law: "Any dog which bites a human being should be put down - immediately followed by it's owner."
    Formulated by Jeremy Clarkson after his 3 year old daughter was bitten by an untethered dog in a public park in which the dog owner merely called his dog to him and walked away without any apology or concern for the child.

  5. "Another case for bringing in Clarkson's Law."

    Spot on!

  6. He was jailed for three months and banned for life from keeping dogs at Durham Crown Court in August.

    I'm not surprised. you have to ask permission before you keep your dogs at the court, they just aren't designed for this purpose.

  7. Clarkson 's Law: "Any dog which bites a human being should be put down - immediately followed by its owner."

    Not so, it depends on the circumstances. Anyone who attacks me had better know how to detach 50 lbs of Staffie Cross from their throat. On the other hand, he isn't aggressive in other circumstances and is kept under close control anyway.

    Personally, I cringe when parents let little children go running, screaming up to a strange dog.
