Tuesday 22 December 2015

Keep Crying ‘Wolf’, Ladies…

A student who caused a furore when he spoke out against sexual consent workshops fears for his academic future after a fierce campus backlash.
George Lawlor, 19, claims he has been driven out of lectures and bars at Warwick University by feminist campaigners who shout "rapist" wherever he goes.
They shout it because they know full well you aren’t. They wouldn’t be so free with their accusations if they ever had to face the consequences of them.
Mr Lawlor added: "When you search my name all you find is my name next to the word 'rapist'.
"If you want to be a doctor or a lawyer you don't want to risk having this sort of reputation... so there's a fear that stops people talking freely."
So…you want to be a doctor or a lawyer?
Mr Lawlor, who studies politics and sociology, said he feared the furore would affect his academic work and his future career.
Oh. I don’t think we need to concern ourselves much with your future career, then.


  1. What I want to know is where is the solidarity with his male colleagues? Have men (and I use the term loosely) become so fucking pussy whipped?

    If I was on the receiving end of this shit, (and I have had similar, the crack whore next door started calling me a kiddy fiddler) I find a trip down to see the law tends to work well, and they tend (in my experience) to be *Very* sympathetic. Especially when you explain that accusations of this type tend to result in some git smashing all your windows or trying to set your house on fire and such.

    It's not only slanderous, but should *Anything* untoward happen to him because of this, it also falls under "Incitement" but certainly falls under the stalking and harassment laws.

  2. "What I want to know is where is the solidarity with his male colleagues? Have men (and I use the term loosely) become so fucking pussy whipped?"

    I think, sadly, the answer's 'yes'. The modern male is a rather disappointing breed.

    Which is, UI suspect, the goal of feminist theory.
