Wednesday 9 December 2015

Maybe It’s Time The Police Charged You With Wasting Their Time?

A growing number of racist and sexist social media posts by pupils are being reported to police by East Lancashire schools, it has been revealed.
Who’s stupid enough to be wasting police time in this fash… Oh. Of course.
It comes as Norden High School in Rishton said it had called the police four times over separate incidents in recent weeks.
Stand well back! Virtue Signaller coming through!
Norden headteacher Tim Mitchell has branded the behaviour by his students as ‘naïve’ in a letter to parents.
He said: “Clearly within school we block social media sites on school computers as a matter of course, however, current technology dictates that most students have a mobile phone that provides internet access.
“I would like to make it clear that any student found to be responsible for sending or forwarding any inappropriate messages or images will be sanctioned in line with the school’s behaviour policy.
“Similarly mobile phones will be confiscated, material erased and phones will only be released to a parent or carer.
“Where a criminal offence may have occurred details will be passed directly to the police.”
OK, several things spring to mind here.

Firstly, what if they post things at break time? Or on the way to school?

Secondly, what the hell gives you or your staff the right to erase data on a pupil’s property?

And last, so you’ve discovered four criminal offences in the last few weeks? Really?
Police said they had investigated the posts reported to them by Norden High School and that they did not ‘warrant any formal action’.
Ah. Like I figured.

Nor do these odious type believe that they should be given godlike powers over mere children:
Parents of children at a Pendle primary school were also warned this month not to use social media to criticise the school.
In a newsletter to parents Barnoldswick CE Primary School said that legal options will be considered in some cases if comments against the school, headteacher or teaching staff are posted online.
A spokesman said: “Social media websites are being used increasingly to fuel campaigns and complaints against schools, headteachers, school staff and in some cases other parents/pupils.
“Barnoldswick CE Primary School considers the use of social media websites being used in this way as unacceptable.
“In the event that any pupil or parent/carer of the children being educated in Barnoldswick CE Primary School is found to be posting libellous or defamatory comments about school on Facebook or other social network sites, they will be reported to the appropriate ‘report abuse’ section of the network site.”
Want to bet these reports will similarly go nowhere, as they will be judged as not breaching those standards?

What this boils down to is that – despite whinges to the contrary – teachers have far too much time on their hands, and they don’t like criticism that they can’t control.

Well, suck it up! The future’s here. And it’s staying.


  1. If those are Tim Mitchell's actual words, he's not a good example as a teacher. Technology does not "dictate". His grammar is atrocious. But perhaps he's young and suffered eduKasun under Blair's dumbed-down regime.

  2. Our local comp bans use of mobile phones during school hours. First offence of using, unless considered an emergency, is confiscation till the end of the school day. Second offence is confiscation till end of school week. Third offence is confiscation till end of school term. Parents of new pupils are asked to agree to this as part of school accepting their child. Parents of current pupils are asked to agree to this or reply with reason for disagreement, together with alternative suggestion (non reply is taken as agreement). Another School takes the battery out and asks a parent or guardian to collect it. In days gone by, those wishing to insult someone did it to their faces, and often suffered the consequences. This was all part of growing up and learning how to behave without getting your head kicked in. Today's cowardly little shits, who all know their rights but not their responsibilities, use technology instead of going face to face. You can't blame the schools, especially as they have all been subject to left wing/liberal f#cktards' social engineering. To get on in education today, teachers have to be like Star Trek 's Borg - they will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

  3. "But perhaps he's young and suffered eduKasun under Blair's dumbed-down regime."

    Doubtful, if he's a head. Unless he's a fast-tracked PC-to-the-hilt idiot. And, to be fair, he does appear to be!

    "Another School takes the battery out and asks a parent or guardian to collect it."

    How do they manage this if the kid has an iPhone..? ;)

    "Today's cowardly little shits, who all know their rights but not their responsibilities, use technology instead of going face to face. "

    That has advantages, though. You leave an obvious trail of evidence!
