Wednesday 30 December 2015

Shock! Horror!

Mr Akinyemi from Nigeria said: “Last year there were 195 students from Nigeria and this year it is down to 96. People will be going to universities in other countries instead of coming here.
“If we don’t speak out against it it’s going to affect universities all over the country.”
Oh noes! Disaster!
University of Essex vice chancellor Professor Anthony Forster said: “The University of Essex is one of the most international universities in the UK and is ranked in the top 10 per cent of universities in the world for our international outlook.
“We have 140 nations represented within our student and staff community and this internationalisation enriches our community and provides an invaluable contribution to the university’s success, both in terms of our research and in terms of the education and student experience that we pride ourselves on providing.
“It is therefore right that we at Essex advocate and champion internationalisation, and that we should speak out in support of internationalisation.”
I feel so enriched when I walk past Southend's halls of learning...


  1. Methinks its got everything to do with the International students paying more for courses and fuck all to do with cultural enrichment.

    That cunt is rich enough to escape and live somewhere that isnt a cultural enrichment zone.

    You bet he does.


  2. Bunny

    As I seem to recall the Waffen SS was an international organisation having within its ranks members of all religions bar one.

  3. 33 and still at uni? anyone else get the feeling he`s desperate to avoid having to leave his cushy right-on PC world and actually get a real job?

  4. "Methinks its got everything to do with the International students paying more for courses and fuck all to do with cultural enrichment."

    So, cultural enrichment is a little 'bonus', and not the goal? Hmmm. I'm unconvinced.

    "33 and still at uni?"

    Even the sort of piss-poor halls of learning that is the Great White Elephant of Southend, that's pitiful, isn't it?
