Wednesday 16 December 2015

So Unlike The Home Life Of Our Own Dear Queen…

A mum-of-three bit chunks out of the ears of another woman during a fight which they had arranged via Facebook.
Julie-Ann Doherty was jailed for two years after a court heard Shona Knight needed extensive surgery as a result of the injuries she suffered.
Leeds Crown Court heard Doherty, 33, and Miss Knight, 28, agreed to meet each other to settle a six-month feud. The pair had seen their relationship become increasingly bitter and they had exchanged insults by text and on social media.
Lovely! But surely pretty unusual to come to (prearranged) blows?
The court was told both women are members of the travelling community and prearranged fights to settle disputes was “part of their culture.”
I’d heard this, but had fondly assumed it meant just the menfolk


  1. I don't understand why it went to court. We should have just left them to sort it out within their own micky mouse system. They decided to settle out of court so there it should remain. Sounds like the loser didn't like the justice system that she were happy to accept just minutes before she was on the menu.

  2. Cops & courts should have just stayed out of it. Seems they both got the result they were looking for - a fight. Daft cows

  3. Of course the NHS charged them to repair this self inflicted cat fight injury.

  4. There was no alternative to imprisonment. Court fines are useless because most Travellers cheques bounce.

  5. Down our way the ladies sort out their spats with naked mud-wrestling. Much more civilised - apart from the price of a ring-side ticket!

  6. Surely a misuse of the term 'culture'.


  7. Why did anyone stop the fight? It would surely have served society better if it had been to the death (hopefully followed by the winner topping herself out of remorse). I must stop having these fantasises about travelling women!

  8. Still having 'fantasises', Penise? You should insist upon further lobotomies until those cheap Toronto surgeons finally hit the sweet spot.

  9. "I don't understand why it went to court. "

    Yup, I'm with you and Bucko. It's their culture, innit? So long as they do it where they won't frighten the, errr, horses...

    "Of course the NHS charged them to repair this self inflicted cat fight injury."

    It'd be a dangerous road to go down, but I know what you mean!

    "Much more civilised - apart from the price of a ring-side ticket!"


    "It would surely have served society better if it had been to the death (hopefully followed by the winner topping herself out of remorse)."

    And if Ch4 got the broadcast rights!
