Wednesday 27 January 2016

CiF Pick Of The Comments Vs Julia’s Pick Of The Comments…

Jessica Valenti’s bonkers complaint about women being ‘overcharged’ for targeted products draws the CiF editor’s approval of the commentariat's offerings:

Personally, this was my favourite:

Further discussion can be found at Tim Worstall's blog.


  1. Strangely, given her keenness on banging on about "rape culture" we are still avidly awaiting Jessica's piece on Cologne.

  2. Good spot. Thank you for wading through the ordure to find that gem, I couldn't do it myself. Ten minutes in CiF and I would think I've got syph.

  3. "Ten minutes in CiF and I would think I've got syph."

    I always suspect that's what the editors have. The tertiary kind!
