Sunday 17 January 2016

Great Use Of Dickensian Language...

...but I have to point out that that's not a shotgun, 'Liverpool Echo'!


  1. I reckon most feral urchins wouldn't bother with a shotgun, its not really a first person shooter bit of kit they have been training on.


  2. Twenty odd years ago there was a shooting in Manchester, I think, a hairdresser was shot randomly, or something. The BBC news, as usual were on the scene in moments, desperate for 'on the ground testaments to what had occurred'. They interviewed a young lad of northern subcontinent appearance who said something like; I came round the corner and heard gunfire, it sounded like an Uzi or something like that. What struck me then was that our immigrants have more knowledge and comfort with guns than we do. At that time I was horrified at the thought that we are inviting a potentially powerful foreign army into our island home. They are here now, and now we are somewhat morepussy whipped than we were then. May God take their I mortal souls as I dispatch them with nail scissors and harsh words. Or whatever er else is available.

  3. "its not really a first person shooter bit of kit they have been training on."

    They should play more hunting games then!

    "What struck me then was that our immigrants have more knowledge and comfort with guns than we do. "

    Good point.
