Monday 18 January 2016

I Suspect You’ll Be Held To This, Cruddas!

The Dagenham MP last night told about 600 people a mosque on May and Bakers Sports and Social Club’s land was “definitely a no” at a lively meeting.
The remark came at a public meeting on whether the site could be used for worship on Fridays.
Well, well, well….
Jon Cruddas said Eastbrook residents were unaware of a September meeting in which council leader Cllr Darren Rodwell and Barking Mosque representatives met with club trustees, who agreed “in principle” to a building for prayer meetings.
Mr Cruddas, who held an extra consultation due to the number of people in attendance, said the community did not want the prayer room and that he would support them.
I wonder if he’ll remember this when it comes down to it. Because I will.
The club’s trustee chairman, Steve Thompson, confirmed he would consider any proposals. He said: “We have never had any money from a religious community. Any proposal that would help us save money we would consider.
Speaking from the floor, 61-year-old engineer Laurence Clarke accused Mr Thompson of disregarding a restriction preventing the land from being used for worship.
“Covenants on this land state ‘no places of worship’ so why are the trustees stating they would even consider such a proposal?” he said. “You should step down.”
He said Mr Cruddas should have tackled the problem sooner and praised Dagenham’s UKIP leader Peter Harris for forming an action committee during a previous meeting at Eastbrook pub.
Ah, now it’s all clear. Labour are simply making sure UKIP don’t eat their lunch.


  1. While as rabid an Islamophobe as the next man, in fairness I should mention that our local church hall (in the depths of suburban London) was used as a prayer room during the recent Ramadan. No-one was blown up or even groped and in spite of the lateness of the hour the neighbours didn't complain. So co-existence isn't entirely impossible.

  2. Question is how to hold Cruddas to it.

  3. "So co-existence isn't entirely impossible."

    No, indeed. But sadly, it's becoming the exception, rather than the rule.

    "Question is how to hold Cruddas to it."

    That's a whole other kettle of fish!
