Saturday 23 January 2016

Like The Bitch She Is, Deborah Orr Demands To Run With The Hare And Hunt With The Hounds..

...because, you see, it's all the media's fault!
It’s crucial that neither those making accusations of abuse, nor those who are mistakenly accused, should feel shame. Lord Bramall’s personal suffering has been for a noble cause. He is the hero of this story, not its victim. It’s awful that the police, the media and the general culture have made him feel like one.
Christ, where to start? Just how lacking in self-awareness do you have to be to fail to recognise your own part in this state of affairs?

We shouldn't be too surprised, of course, she has form for this sort of thing, after all.
Had “Nick”, the man who named Lord Bramall, been listened to as a child, then I daresay his accusations could have been investigated relatively easily. We now know that “Nick” and many other people were dismissed.
And rightly so, because they were fantasists and liars!
Lord Bramall says his treatment has caused him great pain after a lifetime of public service, and that is, of course, regrettable. But co-operating with the police in the course of their investigations is itself a public service, a call we should all be prepared to answer.
Does that include co-operating in stop and search? Or programmes designed to prevent extremist beliefs from taking hold in schools?

If not, why not?
Loudly declaring that there’s nothing more awful than being falsely accused of a sexual crime sends a message that those who report such crimes are the bad guys.
No, those who falsely report such crimes are the bad guys.

Good grief, this floundering is embarrassing! How have people this thick, shameless and dishonest been allowed to lead the public sector and media by the nose for so long?


  1. Yes I must admit I had to hold my nose as I read Ms Orr's piece this morning. My one thought at the end of it was it would be interesting to see how Ms Orr felt if she were on the end of a similar fantasist accusation!

    She would be the first one in the queue demanding an apology and heads rolling.

  2. My one thought at the end of it was it would be interesting to see how Ms Orr felt if she were on the end of a similar fantasist accusation!

    I'm pretty sure that Mrs Will Self (for it is she) will come out with a plausible explanation or not, after all the pair of them have made a lucrative career out of being always right whilst being on the extreme left.

  3. "My one thought at the end of it was it would be interesting to see how Ms Orr felt if she were on the end of a similar fantasist accusation!"

    Wouldn't that be karma..?

    "...after all the pair of them have made a lucrative career out of being always right whilst being on the extreme left."

    Sadly true.
