Thursday 14 January 2016

The Sea, Mr Sanders. Kindly Get In It…

A supermarket shopper has called on Tesco to take action after he injured himself while…
Negotiating a slippery floor that hadn’t been adequately cleaned?

Walking into a wire strung at head-height by a disgruntled employee sick of customers asking ‘Where’s the bread aisle, mate’?

Picking up a tin of peaches that a Tesco worker had wired up to the mains supply?
scrambling for heavily discounted items in a south London store.
Oliver Sanders, 31, said doctors told him he had torn a knee ligament when he was hurt in what he described as a manic “free-for-all” at Tesco Extra in New Malden.
On Sunday, he said he was among more than a dozen customers jostling for discounted deli meat at the hot food counter after staff brought out reduced stock shortly before closing.
However, Mr Sanders said he was left in intense pain after he was shoved in one direction while his knee went in another.
Then your beef (pardon the pun) is with the shover. Not with the venue.
He told the Standard: “I had my hands in a box when I was pushed up against the fridge cabinet. When they put the items in the fridges that’s when everyone goes nuts.
“It happened so quickly I probably had about three or four items in my hands but I wasn’t going for anything in particular.”
You were just grabbing anything within reach then, like some sort of mindless amphibian predator?

And you have the nerve to complain about the others..!
The self-employed fence builder said he had been off work for two days since the injury but is poised to return on Wednesday because he cannot afford more time off.
Thank god we – the taxpayer – aren’t funding this muppet!
On Monday, he reported the incident to staff at the store and contacted the supermarket giant on Twitter to ask them to consider a change of policy.
He added: “It is partly my fault
No, no, it’s entirely your fault!
… but Tesco needs to do something about this because more people are going to get hurt. It’s always a free for all.”
He said he believed the best way to deal with bringing out discounted items was to offer them on a first come first served basis with customers raising their hands for individual goods.
What?!? Hold an ‘auction’ for every last packet of eat-by-today cheese? Get outta here!
A Tesco spokesperson said: "Colleagues at our New Malden store always stagger the introduction of reduced to clear items in order to minimise any disruption.
"They also make sure extra colleagues are on hand to oversee particularly busy times.”
Tesco are lucky I don’t work in their PR department, that’s all I can say…


  1. I would have pulled up a chair and watched the fiasco, thats exactly the sort of people watching I enjoy, a mob all going beserk over a cooked chicken, I probably would have started shouting to whip up the frenzy more.


  2. It's ingrained in the younger (than me) generations* these days:- and it's all down to the leftie concentration on their rights whilst avoiding any mention of their responsibilities.

    It's always someone else's fault, innit?

  3. The irony of course being that if he'd been shopping at Lidl he would have got the item at the same price 7 days a week.

  4. Can you imagine my deep joy when I got to the Saintsbury's cheap meat before some chappies from the Hindu Kush area, I grabbed the lamb and left the pork chops for them. Deep joy indeed.

  5. Oh yes, I'm a big fan of Lidls, especially when Shaz the manageress who works down my local one looks after me. Was going to get a turkey on Christmas eve, when Shaz reduced full legs of lamb from £13 down to £8. I thought to myself, sod the turkey, I'm having some of that..

  6. "...and it's all down to the leftie concentration on their rights whilst avoiding any mention of their responsibilities."

    Spot on!

    "The irony of course being that if he'd been shopping at Lidl he would have got the item at the same price 7 days a week."


    "I grabbed the lamb and left the pork chops for them. Deep joy indeed."

    Sausages seem to be a staple of these remainder counters. That, and beef mince.
