Monday 11 January 2016

This Story Is Interesting Not For What It Says About The US Police…

…but for what it says about the UK police:
A Scotland Yard officer today told of the dramatic moment US police stormed her New York hotel room and her baby was taken into care.
The holiday of a lifetime during maternity leave turned into a “nightmare” for Louise Fielden, 42, a Tower Hamlets-based Pc, when the officers took away Samuel, then just six months old.
Staff at the Chelsea Highline Hotel called in social services alleging she had left Samuel unattended in the hotel lobby and for 30 minutes in their hotel room.
It's a rather odd story, not least for what's not said...
Ms Fielden, a Pc for 13 years, is now locked in a legal battle to get 15-month-old Samuel back after he was placed in foster care in the US in April.
She said today she has CCTV proving she never left Samuel, who was born via IVF and an anonymous sperm donor, in the lobby.
A lowly PC has the resources to have a child (presumably alone, as no partner is mentioned) and then embark on a transatlantic jaunt with a newborn?
She revealed fighting the case has already cost her more than $75,000.
Where's the money coming from? I thought the police were overworked and underpaid!
Speaking of the dramatic moments leading to Samuel being taken, three days after she arrived in New York following three months on holiday in Antigua, she said she had spent hours telling a social services official Samuel was safe, but “she then decided to remove him anyway... three police officers entered the room and threw me to the floor.”
She alleged that one officer assaulted her and told her: “Take that you limey bitch, you can’t be a police officer.”
'Limey bitch'..? Sorry, but this just doesn't ring true. It sounds more like something you'd see in a movie. An old one, at that!
She says her son’s US foster carer Susan Sena is “not appropriate” as she is a member of a gay rights support group.
Ouch! The Met's Professional Standards aren't going to be happy at that, are they?

The modern police officer is, it's fair to say, rather a curious creature, if this woman's anything to go by...


  1. According to the Daily Mail she made her money in property and then just got a job as a copper for a bit of a laugh.

  2. To be fair, it must be a tough life as a police officer in Tower Hamlets ignoring all the Islamic vigilante street patrols, political corruption and gay-bashing.

  3. The modern day police officer is not a police officer. Not here, not anywhere recognisably civilised. Occasionally the US bill get it right, probably more by accident than design.

  4. "According to the Daily Mail she made her money in property and then just got a job as a copper for a bit of a laugh."


    "...ignoring all the Islamic vigilante street patrols, political corruption and gay-bashing."

    Good point!

    "Occasionally the US bill get it right, probably more by accident than design."

    And more from rural services than metropolis ones, I'd guess.
